Today when we went in to see Bobby, the nurse told us we could try the bottle with him today. We gave him 5ml with a small haberman and he LOVED it! He gulped away and it was gone in no time! He was really excited and frustrated that we wouldn't give him more. We've done some non-nutritive sucking, but he doesn't seem too interested. I'm just so excited that he's down to 2L and starting to take feeds PO...if even just allowed a tiny bit for now!
Re: AW: First Feeding
AWESOME! I was just thinking of you guys today, and hoping things were going well. So glad you shared that.
Keeping you and yours in my thoughts and prayers
Good job Bobby! Are you also tryng to BF? If so, try the nipple shield- Cooper wouldn't nurse without it in the hospital, since he was going back and forth from the bottle so much.
Good luck!
beachy - yes, I plan to try to do both, but for now have just kind of been letting him play at the breast. It makes him so relaxed that he falls right asleep.
Update: Today, we weaned to 1.5L O2 and condensed his continuous feeds to 60cc over 2h with 1h off. YAAAY!!!
We're doing only 5cc 2x/day, but he wants MORE! He's acting ravenous now that he's had a taste of something substantial aside from paci dips. We also do non-nutritive sucking whenever we'd like.
BFP(4) DD2 born 2.14.13 @ 35w5d due to pPROM