Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Getting used to listening to him cry ...go ahead FLAME ME

DS will be 6 months old next week. This is the second day in a row when the only time he is not crying he is sleeping. Oh excuse me, he was happy for 20 minutes today. How many of you have learned to ignore the cries when you they have been fed, held, diaper changed and are not ill?

Re: Getting used to listening to him cry ...go ahead FLAME ME

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    how do you know he isn't sick??  could be an ear infection......or teething?
    photo IMG_3757_zps3e266e57.jpg Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker "Sometimes I am two people. Johnny is the nice one. Cash causes all the trouble. They fight." - Johnny Cash
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    I never get used to the crying.  Henry has been super cranky since you said, happy for like 20 minutes a day.  I want to pull my hair out, but I also feel bad for him.

    I always take him to the pedi when he's cranky to rule out anything.  Babies don't always have a fever with an ear infection.  Right now I have one and my temp as been normal the whole time. 

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    how do you know he isn't sick??  could be an ear infection......or teething?

    This is what I was thinking.

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    I can ignore the "whining" like when he is in his carseat and is tired of it. But I just can't ignore his actual cries.

    Even when he was a few months and in the middle of horrible reflux and had casts on his legs for his club feet. He was miserable and cried all day long for almost 2 months and I still never ignored his cries.

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    I don't want to get used to his crying. He cries for a reason and I try to figure it out.
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    Krisx2Krisx2 member
    If it's just her "I'm bored, move me" cry (sounds more like a whine than a wail), I can ignore that easily if I need to eat or pee. But if it's a painful or scared or traumatic cry, I can't get used to that or ignore it. I hate it when she cries. I always will.

    Mio Marito per Sempre: Married 2009. SD is 12 yrs. DD is 4 yrs.

    DS born 12/29/14

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    If it's just her "I'm bored, move me" cry (sounds more like a whine than a wail), I can ignore that easily if I need to eat or pee. But if it's a painful or scared or traumatic cry, I can't get used to that or ignore it. I hate it when she cries. I always will.


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    If it's just her "I'm bored, move me" cry (sounds more like a whine than a wail), I can ignore that easily if I need to eat or pee. But if it's a painful or scared or traumatic cry, I can't get used to that or ignore it. I hate it when she cries. I always will.

    Yup.  My Mom and mines convo the other day:

    Mom:  "You know the baby is crying right?" 

    Me:"Yes.  She doesn't like the position she's in, and at the moment I am driving and there is nothing I can do about it."

    Mom:  "And... it's not bothering you?  Because it's bothering me!"

    Me:  "Nope.  She's okay.  She's just whining very loud.  If she were in pain I'd be pulling over.  We're good.  I guess I just tone it out."

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    I feel you on the crying. My son has colic and sometimes I feel like all he does is cry.  I don't  ignore him though. Occasionally he'll want to hang out in his chair, but more often than not I just sit and hold him while he cries. I bounce, rock, sway, walk, etc. to try and soothe him. 

    I don't know...I just couldn't let him lie there all by himself and cry.

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    If it's just her "I'm bored, move me" cry (sounds more like a whine than a wail), I can ignore that easily if I need to eat or pee. But if it's a painful or scared or traumatic cry, I can't get used to that or ignore it. I hate it when she cries. I always will.

    This.  It rips my heart out. 

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    sila129sila129 member
    i'm the makes me sad when he fusses.
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    I think I became desensitized during our worst periods of colic. We're through that now, however, and I never just leave him to cry hard. Fuss, yes. Cry, no.
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    I know it's hard. My son had colic and then after that was just plain high-maintenance for the first year or so. He cried if the wind blew the wrong way (and EVERY time he woke up from sleeping). But I would just hold and rock him, some times most of the day. It was rough. But it will get better. Now he's a perfect happy almost four year old and never sits long enough to let me hold or rock him.Stick out tongue It will get better, I promise. Big Smile
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    I think I became desensitized during our worst periods of colic. We're through that now, however, and I never just leave him to cry hard. Fuss, yes. Cry, no.

    Now that Kai has gone from 14 hour tomato faced scream fests to barely ever crying, I dont know what to do with myself on the rare occasion he does cry.  I used to be a smoker and now the smell of cigarettes makes me wanna hurl.  I wonder if this is the same thing?

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    how do you know he isn't sick??  could be an ear infection......or teething?

    This is what I was thinking.


    #1 : He is teething

    #2: If I bring him to the pedi everytime this happens the pedi will think I have issues. In the past he has said babies cry.... they need to vent like you do. I do not feel like making an ass out of myself and then have to pay another co-pay.

     #3: He does this alot when I need to step out of the room. When I am back in the room he stops. He is having attachment issues. I am not going to have a 4 year old leech.

     If he were a month - 3 months old fine. I just do not want him to be spoiled.

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    how do you know he isn't sick??  could be an ear infection......or teething?

    This is what I was thinking.


    #1 : He is teething

    #2: If I bring him to the pedi everytime this happens the pedi will think I have issues. In the past he has said babies cry.... they need to vent like you do. I do not feel like making an ass out of myself and then have to pay another co-pay.

     #3: He does this alot when I need to step out of the room. When I am back in the room he stops. He is having attachment issues. I am not going to have a 4 year old leech.

     If he were a month - 3 months old fine. I just do not want him to be spoiled.

    #5 I have him the CVS brand of Infant's Motrin (that hole damn Tylenol scare).
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    how do you know he isn't sick??  could be an ear infection......or teething?

    This is what I was thinking.


    #1 : He is teething

    #2: If I bring him to the pedi everytime this happens the pedi will think I have issues. In the past he has said babies cry.... they need to vent like you do. I do not feel like making an ass out of myself and then have to pay another co-pay.

     #3: He does this alot when I need to step out of the room. When I am back in the room he stops. He is having attachment issues. I am not going to have a 4 year old leech.

     If he were a month - 3 months old fine. I just do not want him to be spoiled.

    Poor baby :(

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    I have a question. What do you mean by ignore? Do you just let him sit there and cry?
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    Yikes to this whole thing.
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    how do you know he isn't sick??  could be an ear infection......or teething?

    This is what I was thinking.


    #1 : He is teething

    #2: If I bring him to the pedi everytime this happens the pedi will think I have issues. In the past he has said babies cry.... they need to vent like you do. I do not feel like making an ass out of myself and then have to pay another co-pay.

     #3: He does this alot when I need to step out of the room. When I am back in the room he stops. He is having attachment issues. I am not going to have a 4 year old leech.

     If he were a month - 3 months old fine. I just do not want him to be spoiled.

    #5 I have him the CVS brand of Infant's Motrin (that hole damn Tylenol scare).

    Then he is in pain, obviously.

    When my child is in pain from something like teething I either try and comfort him, or distract him.

    With out a ticker we have no clue how old your kid is an therefore cannot tailor our comments/suggestions for the age he is.

     I believe you were looking for the word "whole" not "hole"

    Also, sack up.

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    The only time my DH ever cried whenever she was awake, she ended up having a double kidney infection, which had traveled to her blood, and finally we found out she has urinary reflux and is now on antibiotics everyday until it goes away or is corrected by surgery. I will never let her cry all the time without worrying.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
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    how do you know he isn't sick??  could be an ear infection......or teething?

    This is what I was thinking.


    #1 : He is teething

    #2: If I bring him to the pedi everytime this happens the pedi will think I have issues. In the past he has said babies cry.... they need to vent like you do. I do not feel like making an ass out of myself and then have to pay another co-pay.

     #3: He does this alot when I need to step out of the room. When I am back in the room he stops. He is having attachment issues. I am not going to have a 4 year old leech.

     If he were a month - 3 months old fine. I just do not want him to be spoiled.

    #5 I have him the CVS brand of Infant's Motrin (that hole damn Tylenol scare).

    Then he is in pain, obviously.

    When my child is in pain from something like teething I either try and comfort him, or distract him.

    With out a ticker we have no clue how old your kid is an therefore cannot tailor our comments/suggestions for the age he is.

     I believe you were looking for the word "whole" not "hole"

    Also, sack up.


    You admit the poor child is in pain, yet you are more concerned that 4 years down the road he might be a "leech." Serioiusly? Go comfort your baby.

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