Pre-School and Daycare

NTR: So.....anyone ever TRY to GAIN weight??

(some of yall may not want to read this but I dont care!)

Im the most thin Ive ever been, probably by like 10-12 lbs.  On most that amt is so minute but on me you can really see a diff.   Ive never been more than 95 lbs except when pg and I tried to keep some of the baby weight (106 after deliv.) but I just couldnt.  Nothing has really changed in my diet....I AM busy with the kids and work so I DO sometimes miss a meal or two but Im a good eater and when I do eat, I have like 2 plates!   Everything else is the same pretty much except running around after 2 but that cant be it...

The ONLY thing I can think of thats different is MAYBE my Mirena....But dont most BC's make you gain weight and not lose?

So people (family, friends) are starting to make comments and they are so fkn rude about.  Its really starting to bother me.  I mean, its never ok to tell someone to lay off the donuts but when your thin, no one minds asking if you're anorexic!  Just bafffles me!

Here are some pics so you can see, its not disgusting, but enough for people to comment....How can I gain weight because eating everything in site doesnt seem to help and I prob dont want junk food weight, kwim?

Right before I delivered...

last few mos...





Re: NTR: So.....anyone ever TRY to GAIN weight??

  • My first suggestion would be to see a doc and have your blood tested for food allergies, and have your thyroid tested. Those could be two reasons for you losing weight when you haven't been trying. I speak from experience, having dropped 20 pounds in about a month or two, completely unintentionally. I got a lot of those, "You're too thin!" comments, and I swear work was abuzz with gossip that I was dying or something. It turns out I've got some food allergies... and wouldn't you know that once I stopped eating dairy and wheat, my body started to get used to that diet and I began to gain weight again. And then I got pregnant LOL. But really, I would investigate those 2 possibilities.
    Mom to J (10), L (4), and baby #3 arriving in July of 2015
  • have you tried eating more often? like adding more snacks to your day? maybe add more healthy carbs? my grandma was always really thin and the doctor told her to eat a little bit of spicy food because that can make you more hungry. have you tried those protein shakes guys drink? my cousin that was super thin used to drink those to help him gain weight, he would drink that on top of eating all his meals! i also heard taking a multivitamin makes you hungry (i dont know about this.. i'm hungry all the time with or without vitamins! ) and well it wouldnt hurt to check with the doctor just in case..

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  • You are right - I didn't want to read that! Ick!  LMAO!  You know I luv ya girl!!!  I don't really have any advice!  Just wanted to say I think you are beautiful!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers BabyFruit Ticker
  • Is that your mom next to you in the second pic? If so, it definitely looks like it's genetics! I'm sorry you have to deal w/ people making comments. As long as you're being healthy, that's unfair to you. And whether you're overweight, skinny, whatever, it's inappropriate for anyone to comment! I don't get the double standard with that...

    I made myself gain almost 10 lbs before TTC for DD1 because I wanted to be at a healthy weight before getting PG. I added healthy fats to my diet: avocado, nuts/almonds, peanut butter, egg and cheese muffins for breakfast, etc.. I made sure to eat a good breakfast, lunch and dinner. Before I would often skip breakfast or eat too "healthy" or too small portions. I was also a runner so I cut down on that a bit. The trick is to stay healthy though.

    I agree w/ pp about having your thyroid checked, as well as allergies. I've heard that it's very common for women to have thyroid issues, especially in the first year after having a baby. I actually just had mine checked yesterday and am waiting for the results.. 

    GL to you! And if you check out healthy and know that you're being healthy, do your best to ignore the comments! Not everyone has the same body type and you shouldn't have to worry about it like this :(

    CP 3/07
    BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08.       BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09.
    TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen.
    BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8.5 weeks. D&C at 9w2d. Partial Molar Pregnancy.
    BFP 11/14
  • I agree with bim.

    Genetics, maybe see dr., healthy fats, and don't forget to eat every meal! : )

    Next time someone pick on my little buddy I will kick their butt! : )

  • imageheyitsme:
    My first suggestion would be to see a doc and have your blood tested for food allergies, and have your thyroid tested. Those could be two reasons for you losing weight when you haven't been trying. I speak from experience, having dropped 20 pounds in about a month or two, completely unintentionally. I got a lot of those, "You're too thin!" comments, and I swear work was abuzz with gossip that I was dying or something. It turns out I've got some food allergies... and wouldn't you know that once I stopped eating dairy and wheat, my body started to get used to that diet and I began to gain weight again. And then I got pregnant LOL. But really, I would investigate those 2 possibilities.

    Food allerfgies would make you lose weight?? I have no allergic foods bother me, I eat EVERYTHNG...

  • imagebim38106:

    Is that your mom next to you in the second pic? If so, it definitely looks like it's genetics! I'm sorry you have to deal w/ people making comments. As long as you're being healthy, that's unfair to you. And whether you're overweight, skinny, whatever, it's inappropriate for anyone to comment! I don't get the double standard with that...

    I made myself gain almost 10 lbs before TTC for DD1 because I wanted to be at a healthy weight before getting PG. I added healthy fats to my diet: avocado, nuts/almonds, peanut butter, egg and cheese muffins for breakfast, etc.. I made sure to eat a good breakfast, lunch and dinner. Before I would often skip breakfast or eat too "healthy" or too small portions. I was also a runner so I cut down on that a bit. The trick is to stay healthy though.

    I agree w/ pp about having your thyroid checked, as well as allergies. I've heard that it's very common for women to have thyroid issues, especially in the first year after having a baby. I actually just had mine checked yesterday and am waiting for the results.. 

    GL to you! And if you check out healthy and know that you're being healthy, do your best to ignore the comments! Not everyone has the same body type and you shouldn't have to worry about it like this :(

    That is my Mom so yea I do have good genes...She is tiny like I am but a little over 100 lbs...BUT shes 59....  Like i had said..I HAVE always been small, just now a little smaller then ever....I did some mirena research and although they mention and complain about a million one says, weight loss....  Guess I could check for allergies or thyroid....

    I also really enjoy healthier foods, although I eat anything, I love salads and veggies a lot so Im sure that doesnt help in the "gain weight" dept.  

    Im just not one of those people that can keep eating because somethign tastes great if Im full.  Those Ensure drinks with 1000 calories are disgusting and I cant drink a whole shake to bulk up AND eat a meal...just cant...

  • imageDani123:

    Food allerfgies would make you lose weight?? I have no allergic foods bother me, I eat EVERYTHNG...

     Yup. Some do damage to your gut, so you really don't get any symptoms (like no swelling, hives, trouble breathing, etc.). But they make it so your intestines and stomach don't absorb the nutrients your body needs properly. 

    Mom to J (10), L (4), and baby #3 arriving in July of 2015
  • protein shakes or protein bars as snacks - not with a meal
  • imagelrob313:

    You look like me. :) I'm very thin too, always have been.  Everyone told me how good I looked with weight on me when I was pregnant, and I tried to keep some of it on afterwards but it didn't work.  I truly think some people are just naturally thin.  I eat every few hours due to low blood sugar, and I eat mostly healthy stuff, but I do have junk when I feel like it....but I still weigh right around 105 at almost 5'6". 

    It's just the way I've always been though, and I don't think there is any way to change it. My brother is the same way, so I guess it is genetic for us.  I've gotten those RUDE comments my whole life, so I've just learned to brush it off.  I'd rather have to worry about gaining weight than losing it I guess. 

    Anyway, I think if you are healthy and eating enough food, I wouldn't worry about it.  It may just be the way you are!

    Yea but I HATE it....I consider myself to be pretty confident, etc. but all these comments lately etc...people talking to me like Im sick are starting to make me have a real neg. body image...its frustrating!! 

  • I went thru this when getting ready for IVF.

    Like you I'm very small boned so on regular BMI charts I'm wayyy under  (even as fluffy as I am now I still register "under" and anyone who knows me will tell you that I actually look big for me - muffin top, flabby arms, thighs touching, the works.)

    A lot of it has to do with having small bones and a wicked fast metabolism (although I've gotta warn you that mine's diminishing and it sucks to suddenly not be able to eat what ever I want and not gain after an entire life time of not thinking about it much).  On a bigger boned person the amount of body fat you have doesn't look as scary to others.

    When I was trying to gain I was also on a very strict fertility diet that included no dairy, no sugar, and only organic meats (all of which help you gain).

    The 2 big things I found that helped were avacados and nuts.  I ate them all the time.  I had a bag of nuts to munch on constantly.

    One area that will help you gain is the liquid you take in.  Your body doesn't process those calories the same way it does foods so it retains more of them.  If you can stomach regular soda it's a good way to gain weight fast.  The flip side is that I also think soda's the devil between the caffeine, the sugar and the acid so you've got to figure out how BAD you want to gain weight.

    I couldn't bring myself to drink soda even with conception riding on my weight gain.  I just think it's one of the single most unhealthy things you can put in your body and I figured I was better off underweight than I was unhealthy.


    So my take:  If you're genetically small go with it.  I'm sure this isn't the first time you've had people tell you they think you look underweight.  As long as you don't think you've got some eating disorder problem and feel like you're healthy stay the course but pick one person you know well and trust to give you reality checks from time to time just in case your personal body image is off.  Sometimes what we think we see in the mirror and what is actually there are different and if you're already small that can become a problem.... fast.

     If you feel like you've really gotten too small as in something's changed I'd go get a blood work up done - specifically thyroid.  If it all comes back clear try to figure out what healthy snacks you can add to your day that are dense in calories and fat.   

    One more note... I think that the healthiest I've ever looked was when I was doing some light weight workout (30 day shred).  So... maybe instead of a diet (fat/calories) approach consider a muscle approach.  It's a good way to gain weight (muscle weighs more than fat) and do it in a healthy way!

    Our IF journey: 1 m/c, 1 IVF with only 3 eggs retrieved yielding Dylan and a lost twin, 1 shocker unmedicated BFP resulting in Jace, 3 more unmedicated pregnancies ending in more losses.
    Total score: 6 pregnancies, 5 losses, 2 amazing blessings that I'm thankful for every single day.
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