
AW: One month stats! PIP

Tessa Rose...

Birth - 6lbs 0oz, 20 inches

1 month - 9lbs 8oz, 21 1/4 inches


Avery Catherine...

Birth - 6lbs 3oz, 19 inches

1 Month - 9lb 0oz, 21 inches 


Tessa looks so disgruntled... 

Re: AW: One month stats! PIP

  • Our babies have the same birthday and had similar stats at birth!  You're making me feel I need to keep a better record of their growth - they're only measured at the doctor and I haven't written much down at all.

    Great work, by the way! And cute babies!

  • soooo cute! love the names
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  • janjagjanjag member
    so cute!  i think avery looks a little sassy with her little hand on her hip.  :)
    Photobucket Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Gorgeous love the pics!!
  • Wow...they're doing so well!!  My girls were 8lb 4oz and 8lb 1oz at the doctor this past Monday (4 weeks and 6 days).  They had both lost a lot of weight after birth though.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE that picture of the girls laying on their bellies!!  Did you take that yourself??
    BabyFruit Ticker
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