
How do you bathe two at once?

How do you do it?

We have bath seats - which solves the problem of holding on to them and washing them at the same time - but how do you get them undressed and dressed before/after the bath?

The babies are going to bed earlier now so I have to give them baths before DH gets home - I am super nervous about it! Any tips are welcome.

Re: How do you bathe two at once?

  • regenabregenab member

    I still do it the same way that I did when they were that age. I bring all I will need to dress them after the bath into the bathroom with me, so jammies and overnight diapers and any cream if they are having diaper rash issues at the time. I bought an extra changing table mat and I bring that into the bathroom with me as well. So when it is time, I take them both into the bathroom with me, shut the door (so they cannot escape at that point) and draw the bath, while the tub is filling I get them both undressed down to diapers. Once the water is ready, off come the diapers and into the tub they go. I bathe one and then the other and rinse them both off. I let them play with their bath toys a little after I have finished bathing and they just laugh and play in the water. Once I am ready to get them out of the water, I grab a towel and pick one out and wrap her up and lay her down on the changing pad right next to the tub, so I can dry her and keep and eye on her sister at the same time. I dry baby 1 and diaper her and dress her in jammies. Then I would sit her (before they could walk) on the bath mat next to the sink with a couple of toys then get her sister out of the water and do the same process over again. Once they are both done I drain the tub and take them into their room or out into the living room again if it is earlier in the evening.

    It does get easier as they get older and can sit in the tub together without falling over. I have seen pictures of people putting twins in a laundry basket in the tub so the space is smaller and they don't fall over as much when they first become unsupported sitters. I was lucky because from 8 months to 11 months my DH was only away a couple of days a week, so I just planned bath night as much as possible when he was home and only had to do it on my own 1 night a week at that time. Once they hit 1 year old he was on the road again all the time and I was back to doing by myself full time, which is what I do now.

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  • we only do baths 2x's a week, and only when we're both home - we do all 3 at the same time.

    If i had to do the twins at the same time i'd go nuts. I think i'd just do one at a time if I was alone diong it... much safer and easier to deal with.

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  • I always do baths by myself.  My husband is never home.  I don't feel comfortable doing two at once.  So I still bathe one at a time.  The other is in her jumper where she can't get into anything, while I have one in the tub.
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  • I bathe all 3 together.  Usually DH is home, but I have done it alone a dozen times probably (he never has just for the record).  I have everything ready, we all go into the bathroom, everyone undressed (down to diapers for the babies), oldest DD gets washed, diapers off, babies in.  They get washed.  They then all play and I sit back and watch.  Occassionaly having to grab a falling baby before she goes under.  Get one out, get the other out, lotion bottom half of one diaper on, lotion bottom half of other, diaper on, then top half, sleeper on, back to first one lotion top half, sleeper on, comb hair, comb hair.  Then older DD gets out, lotioned and in jammies.  Then we all head into our bedroom for story time. 

    Just get a routine that works for you and stick with it.  It can be done.  If your tub is slippery get a nonslip mat (cheap at Walmart).  My MIL was there one night for bath time and commented on it runs like an assembly line. 

  • I did it very similar to the first poster. Now that the kids are wanting to crawl and pull up in the tub, I had to change our routine. Now, I pull the excosaucer to the doorway or the highchair with some toys while I bath one and then switch them out.
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  • Wow, I am impressed by you ladies!  I never bathe them both at once, they are SO wild in the bath and constantly trying to submerge themselves or stand up or roll around - it is exhausting! 

    I always just do one at a time, and leave the other in their crib with a few toys.

  • kegkeg member

    I'm definitely impressed with those of you who manage to do both at the same time by yourself! 

    If I'm alone, I either skip baths or I just do them one at a time in their baby tub.  We have a Primo Eurobath, so they will still fit in there for a long time.

    If DH is home, one of us generally gets in the tub with DDs.  We have a deep tub so while it's a great soaking tub, it's hard to bathe the girls from the outside.  The other person gets one DD undressed and in the tub, then the other, and then does the reverse on the way out.  We've also started cleaning in the shower sometimes.  I would be more likely to do both by myself in there, except one DD loves it and the other isn't a huge fan.   But then again, it would be me in there with them. 

    2004-Started TTC; Nov 2007-Lap with endo removed; Jan 2008-Ectopic (mtx); April 2008-IVF #1 (bfp, twin girls); March 2011-FET (cp); June 2012-IVF #2 (bfp, singleton, EDD 3-19-12)

    ***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***

  • I have no insight, just wanted to say thanks for posting this!!

    dh and I have been wondering how to bathe 2 at once and I am sure there will come a time we will need to bathe all 3 together, but I just got some fabulous ideas from you ladies (as usual!!) thanks so much!

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  • I don't do them both at once & I always do baths alone. Sometimes MH is home & holding/playing with teh other, sometimes not. I think a lot of it has to do with how your bathroom is set up. Mine is not really too conducive to getting htem both out & dried off at this point, the bathroom is too narrow. 
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