I am mainly a SAHM, but I do work a few days a month at my job that I worked at full time before I had kids. Not exactly what I would call working an odd job, but definitely really limited hours.
I am Full time WOHM 40 plus hours a week. Being that I am pregnant I am trying to cut back on my hours some. It is taking a toll on my body. I have no idea what I will be doing after giving birth to LO. DS will still be in daycare because its healthy interaction and he needs to be learning everyday, but LO will be way too young to be in daycare when my maternity leave is up...
I work full time, 2 days a week at home but the kids are in preschoool full time, year round. (well my LO starts preschool in June, its daycare for now).
Re: Another clicky: do you work (outside of mothering)?