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Anyone crochet?

Im determined to teach myself how to crochet again :). I need something to do to keep myself busy I tried to teach myself a year or two ago but got fed up and threw my ball of yarn and needles across the room and never picked them up again.  I bought one of the teach yourself to crochet books, and I youtubed videos and googled things, yes im an idiot but I do better watching someone. Anyways im going to buy some yarn and needles again today, I think the first time I bought cheap yarn and it made it harder for me to use. Is there a good yarn that isnt expensive that I should buy that would be easy to practice on? And do you recomend any good teach yourself books or websites?

Re: Anyone crochet?

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    I knit...and I also taught myself to knit by watching online videos.

     I like lions brand yarn.  It's not expensive and you can usually get it from Joann's on sale.  But it's a good sturdy yarn and soft to work with, Red heart is another good acrylic to work w/ but sometimes they are scratching until you wash it.

    You can also stop by Yarn Stores and they sometimes either have classes or groups that knit/crochet together w/ different skill levels and you can get hands on guidence.

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    I do. I taught myself while I was unemployed and it's such a stress reliever. I bought 'Stitch N B*tch Crochet : The Happy Hooker', it has great pics and explanations, and I watched a lot of Youtube videos. I use Red Heart b/c it comes with more on a skein & is cheap (not very soft though). I like Caron & I <3 This Yarn ... they are soft and fairly inexpensive. You can find lots of tips & free patterns on the yarn sites as well as Ravelry. Just practice, practice, practice. A great first project is Lion Heart's Speed Hook baby blanket. GL!

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    I found that you tube had some pretty good lessons on how to do the basic stitches. I am making a blanket for someone at work who is having a baby and just doing squares. It is super easy and using a half double stitch.
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