I feel like I am always out of breath. I can't even have a conversation or sing a song in the car lol...without being completely winded. Everyday it is getting worse. I understand feeling a little out of breath but this is crazy! Laying down doesn't seem to help either. In fact sometimes I feel worse. I wonder if the babies are getting enough oxygen if this is how I am feeling.
I have also been getting what I assume is BH contractions. My stomach is really tight. It seems to be almost all the time. Plus I have a baby painfully kicking my ribs. Is this all normal at this point (I am 28 weeks)? It makes me a bit scared of what is to come.
Re: Trouble breathing
Happening to me too... I find myself stopping in the middle of a sentence b/c I can't catch my breath to keep talking! It's so embarrasing at work...
I'm also getting BH everyday, usually in the afternoon/evening. I find that lying down helps...
4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!
All of this happens to me as well. I get out of breath walking from the car to the office building, talking for more then like 3 minutes, basically anything I do. My doc told my it was pretty normal, especially since I measure 37 weeks.
I am also getting BH every now and then. All of this I see as signs of we are just getting closer and closer to meeting our LO's.