
Necessary items

Expecting twins in August and am just looking for some advice on what baby items I will need two of and what baby items I can get away with only one of.  Any necessary items that you use with only twins that you wouldn't use with a single baby?  Thanks!

Re: Necessary items

  • 2 bouncer seats

    1 exersaucer, 1 jumperoo

    1 playmat (or, we have one with bars that hold toys and one flat one, but both girls always use the bigger one at the same time.)

    We only used 1 Pack-n-Play when they were born for them to nap in and now to change diapers on the main level of our house. 

    2 high chairs (eventually... you can get away with feeding them in their bouncers for a while)

    If you plan to breastfeed, you'll want to check out either the EZ 2 Nurse twins pillow or My Brest Friend twins pillow.  Also, you may want to look into getting a breast pump (our insurance covered one because we had twins).  I have used ours a TON.

    All I can think of for now.  Congrats! : )

    ~Crystal~ SAHM to Sam (5), Hugh (3), Mary & Grace (22 months) : )
  • if you go back through the boards there is someone with a blog talking about what she uses the most and what is not necessary. I forget who, but it was a pretty good list. As a general rule you are not going to need two of everything apparently...just two of some items.
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