With my first two preemies, I pumped every 3 hours and once at night. The lactation consultant at this hospital wants us pumping every two hours...I find I don't have much time for anything else once I've washed & sterillized everything.
How often did you pump?
Re: How often do/did you pump?
I pumped every 2 hours for the first 2 days, then cut back to every 3 for 6 weeks, then 3-4 for 6 weeks when I went back to work, then every 3 hours for 4 weeks when he came home and I was off work, then back to every 3-4 during the day and maybe one 5 hour at night, kept that up for a long time. I don't know exactly when I started cutting back to 5 hours, but it was towards the end and with a freezer full. I pumped for 17months total.
For the 7 weeks DS was in NICU I pumped every 3 hrs round the clock. I had a huge stash going. Once he came home I've been really busy and my pumping and in turn, supply have suffered. Now I'm back to every 3 hours trying to increase my supply.
While LO was in the NICU I pumped every 2 hours and 5 hours duing the night. I did feel as though all I did was pump and clean the pumping supplies. I did buy an extra set, which helped. Also, I usually did one "Power Pump" each day. You should look into that if you need help increasing supply.