
How often do/did you pump?

ayramayram member

With my first two preemies, I pumped every 3 hours and once at night.  The lactation consultant at this hospital wants us pumping every two hours...I find I don't have much time for anything else once I've washed & sterillized everything.

 How often did you pump?

Mom to 4 boys under age 6 Evan, Darren, Liam & Isaac

Re: How often do/did you pump?

  • I pumped every 3 hrs, around the clock, for the first 12 weeks.  When I went back to work and she started sttn, I dropped one night pump. 
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  • Every two hours is a lot!  I was instructed to pump every 3 hours during the day with one 4 hour block at night.  I pumped like that for 4-5 weeks straight before we got BFing down and never had any supply issues.  Good luck!
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  • I was told by the nurses to pump every 3 hours.  I have been slacking the past few days because now Lily is on a cue based schedule vs. feeding every 3 hours.  It was easier to remember when I was at the hospital because I'd feed her and then pump.  Now I probably go every 4 hours during the day and then once at night.  Although I can definitely feel it when its time to pump!!!

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  • My lactation consultant advised me to pump every 3 hours and once at night. They said I could take a 5 hour break from pumping during the night. I started by pumping every 3 hours on the dot, but slacked on the night pumping. The last 2-3 days I've been going over the 3 hour mark during the days and being anal about my output, I've noticed an impact on my supply. :( I'm trying to pump every 2.5 hours now and hoping and praying I can gain my supply back!
  • I pumped every 2 hours for the first 2 days, then cut back to every 3 for 6 weeks, then 3-4 for 6 weeks when I went back to work, then every 3 hours for 4 weeks when he came home and I was off work, then back to every 3-4 during the day and maybe one 5 hour at night, kept that up for a long time. I don't know exactly when I started cutting back to 5 hours, but it was towards the end and with a freezer full. I pumped for 17months total.


  • For the 7 weeks DS was in NICU I pumped every 3 hrs round the clock. I had a huge stash going. Once he came home I've been really busy and my pumping and in turn, supply have suffered. Now I'm back to every 3 hours trying to increase my supply.

  • I was pumping every three hours day and night. Like you said you don't have a lot of time to do much of anything else.



  • I was told to pump and pumped every 2 hours during the day with a 6 hour break at night.  If I didn't take the 6 hour break at night I was told I could pump every 3 hours instead, but my LC thought I needed the sleep to aid in healthy milk production, but yes I felt like I pumped and cleaned pumped and cleaned all day!
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  • While LO was in the NICU I pumped every 2 hours and 5 hours duing the night.  I did feel as though all I did was pump and clean the pumping supplies.  I did buy an extra set, which helped.  Also, I usually did one "Power Pump" each day.  You should look into that if you need help increasing supply.

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  • When DS was in the NICU I pumped every three hours even if I breast fed him. Now, that he is home I usually skip the middle of the night pumping sessions. I'm slowly cutting back since his actual due date is approaching.
  • I used to be very diligent about pumping every 3 hours.  It would upset me to no end when I went longer than that.  Then my LC told me to relax...  Now I've been pumping for 4 months and I pump every 4 hours during the day and a bit longer at night.  I usually try to pump for 20-30 min.  I managed to get around 5 oz on average per sitting.  Not a lot but enough for now. 
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