Nathan pulled that on me last summer when we were going to the beach...crossing the road, baby in stroller packed full of all our stuff, he freaked about having to cross (there was an arcade on the side we were crossing from) and went totally limp right in the middle of the street. I had to pick him up and carry him while pushing the packed stroller in front of gobs of people. We were quite the sight that day...
thankfully it doesn't happen all that often!
Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
It happens, I just hauled him up under the arms and carried him like a sack of potatoes to wherever I could safely put one of them down (usually back to the car). Sucks to be dealing with a defiant toddler with only one arm, but I got used to it!
I actually do it the other way around from a lot of people. I used to force the toddler into the stroller (obviously won't work if your child can unstrap themselves) and carry the baby. I almost always had a carrier and a stroller with me even if I thought the toddler was going to walk because they are only 21m apart and you just never know when you need to make a quick exit.
Re: WWYD when you have an infant and a older child that pulls the "limp noodle"
Nathan pulled that on me last summer when we were going to the beach...crossing the road, baby in stroller packed full of all our stuff, he freaked about having to cross (there was an arcade on the side we were crossing from) and went totally limp right in the middle of the street. I had to pick him up and carry him while pushing the packed stroller in front of gobs of people. We were quite the sight that day...
thankfully it doesn't happen all that often!
It happens, I just hauled him up under the arms and carried him like a sack of potatoes to wherever I could safely put one of them down (usually back to the car). Sucks to be dealing with a defiant toddler with only one arm, but I got used to it!