Hi all,
I must admit I've never even lurked on this board, probably for superstitious reasons, so I hope it's okay to stop by and ask for some advice/experiences.
I was admitted to the hospital 2 weeks ago tomorrow with pre-e at 32 weeks. They've gotten my blood pressure stabilized with meds, and the proteins in my urine have decreased from close to 700 to 400's. But they have been seeing my platelet count drop since I've been here, with the most significant drop today down to 124. They are planning on retesting in the morning to make a definite plan, but it looks like we'll be delivering in the next few days.
The nurses here have been great about preparing me for preemies and I've even toured the NICU, and understand all of the requirements and such. I did have the steroid shots, and both babies are girls, which I understand works in their favor. My growth ultrasound last week showed A at 4lb 10oz and B at 5lb 2oz. But I understand these are just estimations.
Does anybody have any experience to share with 34 weekers? How long were they in the NICU and what sort of issues/care did they have. Any experiences you can share at this point will go a long way in helping to get me prepared for the next leg of this journey;
Re: May be having my twins this week at 34 weeks
My girls were born at 34w5d due to pre-e and they did very well. My baby B was IUGR so I was even more concerned how she would do. Baby A was 5lbs 5oz and baby B was 3lbs 12oz. I also recieved steroid shots and they both were able to breathe on their own and were in open air cribs without IVs within 2 days. They spent a majority of their NICU stay just learning how to eat enough to come home. They were both discharged after 11 days and have continued to thrive. At their 12M well baby check up the pediatrician told me I didn't even need to consider them preemies anymore since they were meeting and exceeding all of their milestones.
It is a very emotional time, but making it to 34w is a great milestone especially with twins. Your girls will do great. I hope and pray your NICU stay is as uneventful as mine. Hugs and best of luck in the next few days!
Twins are generally more ready than singles to be born early, so you've got that going for you too! DS was born at 34w5d due to an unknown placental abruption. I didn't have steroid shots, and he had RDS so he started on CPAP and then actually had to be intubated to get surfactant for his lungs. He was on breathing assistance for 5 days and then was in the NICU for 9 more days learning to eat and getting rid of jaundice.
I didn't get to hold him until he was off breathing assistance, except for one brief moment after they stabilized him after birth and right before he was wheeled down to the NICU. The steroid shots should help a lot in terms of helping it be a non-emergency situation when they're first born, but just keep in mind that you might not get to hold them for a little while. You can definitely be involved in their care (changing diapers, taking temp) and can lay hands on them while they're in their isolettes/beds. Hang in there and GL!
My twins were born at 33w6d. Elena was IUGR and she was measuring the size of a 30-31 week baby. She weighed 3lbs 1oz. Lucas was on target for 34 weeks. He weighed 4lbs 4oz. Lucas was in the NICU for 23 days and came home. He had barely any breathing problems and he was a champ. Elena had some breathing problems, she got sick, and she had a rough start. She was in the NICU for 38 days. It's a rough journey and adventure. I wish you luck! 34 weeks is pretty great for twins! I hope their stay (if they have one) is uneventful. GL!
My DD was born at 33w 4days so close to 34 weeks. I also had the blasted pre-e. She was born weighing 4lbs 10oz and spent about 12 days in the NICU. She was on CPAP for 5 days and IV close to 8 days. She was mainly a grow/feeder, but she needed to learn how to suck, breath, swallow before they would release her. She was also under the bili lights to for jaudince.
Good luck with everything, please keep us posted.
Hi Alisha -
I've seen you on the MSP boards. I was actually supposed to deliver at the MG Hospital but my water broke at 33w and was ambulanced over to Fairview Southdale. Did you go on bedrest at MG? They told me they'd only take 34weeks and above.
Lily was born at 34w1d - I was able to stay on antibotics and keep her in until then when the doctor said the risks were going to start outweighing the benefits so I was induced.
Lily is now exactly 2 weeks old and is doing amazing. She actually might be released tomorrow - if not tomorrow then on Thursday. She came out crying and didn't need any additional oxygen. She was in an isolette for 5 days while she regulated her temperature. She had a feeding tube for 12 days. She was also on a regulated feeding schedule of every 3 hours for 12 days but is now on cue based schedule which means she feeds when she wants to.
Good luck! If you want to talk at all, PM me and I can give you my email address.
my twins were born at 34 weeks 0 days.. they spent a total of 19 days in the hospital.. DS had a rougher time than DD.. DD was on a feeding tube for a few days and CPAP.. DS needed a ventilator, chest tube, etc. he had air in his chest that collapsed his lung...
as far as weights go, DD was born at 3 lbs 6 oz and DS was 4 lbs 4 oz..
GL to you!
My girls were born just shy of 34 weeks when my water broke spontaneously. They tried to hold off labor until I hit 34 weeks but the girls had other plans. A was 4lb 5oz and B was 5lb 5oz. They spent two weeks in the NICU mostly has growers/feeders. B was on cpap at birth but only for a few hours.
It was a long two weeks but now it is all just a memory. Good luck!