Pre-School and Daycare


DD is having a field day at school Thursday since her last day is on Friday. They are doing sprinkler and pool activities among others. DD had ear tubes put in and needs ear plugs for water activities. DH and I have been debating about this. He thinks we should tell DD's teachers that she can't participate in the water activities. She has been really good about putting them in for the bath and I think that I should talk to the teacher and as long as the teacher is willing to put them in or at least attempt that she should be able to participate. If she fights it then they can not let her participate. WWYD?
Addison Elizabeth
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Carter James
Lilypie First Birthday tickers


  • I agree with your solution. It is not your daughters fault that she needed ear tubes, she shouldn't be deprived of fun because of it, as long as there is a safe solution. Sounds like fun!
  • I also would ask the teacher if she would try to get DD to use the plugs so she can participate in the fun.

    Big E (6) & Little E (2.5)
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  • I am a pre-k teacher and I would prefer the child at least have the plugs. What is the teacher supposed to do with her all day? She can't just sit out and watch. That would be sad.
  • I don't think the teacher would have a problem putting in the earplugs so go ahead and ask. As for your daughter possibly fighting the earplugs, tell her that she has no choice, it's earplugs or no water, period. 
  • jlw2505jlw2505 member
    I would go with your plan and ask the teachers if they will put them in.  I would hate for my child to have to miss such a fun day.  If she fights it, than she is making the choice to not do the water stuff, not you.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
  • imagebklynjuli:
    I agree with your solution. It is not your daughters fault that she needed ear tubes, she shouldn't be deprived of fun because of it, as long as there is a safe solution. Sounds like fun!
  • Ditto the other pp. But, my dd ENT told us we did not have to worry about plugs period, unless we were in dirty water, such as from a lake. Now I am starting to wonder? We are heading to Florida at the end of the week.
  • skittles- I am not sure our ENT told us that the tubes keeps the tube open so you she has to use plugs in the bath etc to keep water out of the ear drum. We have a follow up appt June 2nd and maybe it will change then she has only had them for just over 3 weeks so maybe after they are settled you don't have to anymore.

    Thanks ladies for your advice :) It helped me feel like it wasn't an unreasonable request :)

    I talked to the teacher today and she said it was no problem at all. Her kids both had ear tubes so she is familiar with plugs. She has been great with them at bath time so I am sure she will do it. If not I told her teacher she could do all the other outside activities but not water. She said that isn't a problem. I think if she gives problem once she sees the other kids and they say not unless you let me put the plugs in she will turn her head and cooperate. 

    Addison Elizabeth
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
    Carter James
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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