Ok ladies who have been there... I need all the advice you can give me.
Right now Sean generally puts himself to sleep in his crib within a few minutes of me putting him in there, it is working great, but we need to transition him to a big kid bed, because the crib will be used as soon as Liam gets home from the hospital. (Please don't tell me he shouldn't transition... its happening, and it has to happen within the next month.)
I need to know what steps you went though to transition.
So far, Sean LOVES his new room, and his new bed, he loves playing in there, and can even be left alone in there with the door closed and not get into any trouble. However, on a whim I tried getting him to go down for a nap today in it and he just stood up and cried... he didn't want to lay down. I didn't leave him alone this time, and I normally would leave the room and close the door if he were in his crib.
So... tell me how to do this, or if there is something I should read about this. If I let him CIO in there, I don't know that he will sleep, just find something to play with or just cry... I don't know.

m/c August 2007 - Blighted Ovum
Sean - Our IUI/Injectable miracle born Oct. 5, 2008.
Liam - Our second miracle born July 16, 2010
Re: XP: Help transitioning OUT of the crib
He may feel too lost in the bigger bed. I will be doing this same thing soon b/c DD#2 is getting #1's crib. Can you line the sides with his blankets, etc to make it seem like a more "cozy" spot? I'm assuming you got the safety rails on there.
What if you laid next to him? That wont work for me bc DD would just think we are playing. I plan on putting her security blanket and teddy bear in the bed with DD (which she sleeps with every night).
You may have to get him used to sleeping in the room before trying the bed. Put a mat on the floor and see if he will sleep in there for a bit before trying the bed again...
I dont know...that's all i got!