December 2010 Moms

Fun post for everyone

Post your current top girl & boy name!


Boy: Benjamin

Girl: Lauren

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 *** BFP #3 - angel baby at 8w2d - D&C 1.31.14 ***

 *** BFP #4  - Chloe Grace, the 'C' to complete our 'A & B' - born Feb 25th, 2015 at 22w2d, lived for 2.5hrs ***

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Re: Fun post for everyone

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    Boy: Greyson Cole

    Girl: Addison Grace

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    boy: Alexander

    girl: Alexandra

    these are my top pics, not MH's, so we'll see!

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    Boy: Maxwell Eli

    Girl: Tessa Claire

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    Boy: Jax

    Girl: Zoe Paige

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    Girl: Sophia Kate

    Boy: we still have no clue

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    Boy- Lawson Banks

    Girl- Evelyn Something (no, not a middle name of 'something', we just don't know one yet, haha). 

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    Boy: Alexander

    Girl: Audrey

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    Boy: Jackson

    Girl: Allison or Allie

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    Girl: Katherine

    Boy: Isaac or Henry??  Still up in the air so I'm kinda hoping for a girl so we can stop thinking about it.

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    Are we making a pact not to steal anybody else's names? Haha, I'm kidding, I don't think anyone would want my names.

    Girl: Arwen Lakota

    Boy: We'e still not set on anything, but I love Logan.

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    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers Married my best friend, Chris, on 07/11/2009...
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    Girl: Aubrey Christine

     Boy: Caden Paul

     We are pretty locked in on the girls name, but still taking suggestions on names for boys:)

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    Am I the only one who has NO IDEA on names yet?  We have a list we're keeping in an app on my iPhone, but we're nowhere near narrowing down names yet!  We haven't even started trying!
    Honor3 Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    Boy: Cameron Philip

    Girl:  Gabriella Morgan

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    Are we making a pact not to steal anybody else's names? Haha, I'm kidding, I don't think anyone would want my names.

    Girl: Arwen Lakota

    Boy: We'e still not set on anything, but I love Logan.

    Where does Arwen come from?  I've never heard of that one before.

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    Are we making a pact not to steal anybody else's names? Haha, I'm kidding, I don't think anyone would want my names.

    Girl: Arwen Lakota

    Boy: We'e still not set on anything, but I love Logan.

    Where does Arwen come from?  I've never heard of that one before.

    I won't answer for lilmgirl, but the I knew an Arwen and she was named after a character from the Lord of the Rings books.

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    Oh, and my names, as of now, are:

    Boy: Caleb James (although DH is not sold on Caleb yet)

    Girl: Leah Rose

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    These are sure to change a thousand times...

    Boy: Patrick James

    Girl: Vanessa Rose (I don't think I've mentioned this one to DH yet!)

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    jpblingjpbling member

    Boy: Jax

    Girl: Zoe Paige

     LOVE your style!! Great names.

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    boy: Liam Michael

    girl: Sabra Emmy

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    jpblingjpbling member

    Boy: Jackson (Jax for short)
    Gifl:  Quinn

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    Girl: Ava Grace

    Boy: Jack Perry

    Middle names are family names :)

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    Girl:  Either Harper Laine or Isla Laine  (we're stuck on these, both)

    Boy:  Sawyer (MN yet to be determined)

    BFP July 11, 2009 ~ C/P July 15, 2009
    BFP 11/25/2009 ~ Blighted Ovum Discovered 12/10/2009 ~ Natural M/C 12/24/2009
    BFP 3/29/2010 ~ EDD 11/25/2010

    Sawyer Marshall ~ November 16, 2010
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    girl -- marlo lynn

     boy -- ezekial (zeke) david

     middle names are from family...pretty much decided on the boys name, still playing around with the girls.  but we really do love marlo...we keep going back to it, so i think that's a sign.

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    linus is SUPER cute!  never thought of that name...that has my vote :o)
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    Boy: Parker

     Girl: Charlotte (pretty sure this is THE name) 

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    Girl: Amelia Jane (99.9% set on this but I love: Harper, Ainsley, Madeline & Alice as well)

    Boy: We having trouble with this one as there is a tradition in DH's family that the first born son names his first born son with his first anme as his middle name. So our son's middle name would be Jonathan and we can't seem to come up with names we like in our style that fit with a strong traditional middle name like that. With that said, we aren't set on the tradition and like the names: Jonah, Isaiah, Elliot.. and a whole lot more!

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    Girl: Katherine

    Boy: Isaac or Henry??  Still up in the air so I'm kinda hoping for a girl so we can stop thinking about it.

    I am thinking the same thing! DH picked out Sophia and I was like well Kate sounds cute with it. So that is our girl name. DH loves Henry because he's an Archaeologist and it's Indiana Jones' real name in the movies- so it's kind of ironic that he liked it. I'm not set on it though. Actually, I'm pretty sure that wont be the name lol.

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