with ds I Bf'ed for a few months...it was not a success so i am not even attempting this time around with two :-P
We used Dr. Browns with ds that I loved but I hated cleaning them...I can only imagine cleaning all those parts double time this time around!
What have you found is working or has worked best for you?
Re: rec bottles please
We use Dr Brown's - I never used anything else so w/o being able to compare them to anything the parts never bothered me. I keep 2 dishwasher "baskets" on the kitchen counter and rinse the bottles and separate the parts in the baskets as I go. And I run the dishwasher everyday. I have a lot of bottles so I never had an issue of running out.
And I recommend Dr Brown's formula pitcher!!
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
we used Avent with Griffin and HATED THEM - leaked, etc.
With the twins we used MAM bottles and have loved them! they don't have many parts - and they are easy to clean - and still have an air-vent system, that does NOT leak.
this. except I just seperate out the parts into the baskets once a day and never used the formula pitcher. they worked well for us.
we had this problem, too. my kids like all bottles, even the cheapie evenflo & cheapie gerber.
we have over 70 bottles, lol.
thanks everyone!
dishwasher not an option to wash bottles in....I hate our dishwasher, it doesn't wash that great so I wouldn't trust it with bottles : /
That is what we used to do with DS...we would leave a tub of warm soapy water and take bottles apart, wash when we had time and all that. maybe we will do it again or I will try the MAM bottles :-)