TTC after 35

Progesterone suppositories

Hi Ladies,

   I was wondering if any of you have experience with the vaginal progesterone pills. I was given the 200mg pills to take twice a day starting on my first beta (5/4). At first I was a bit squeemish (sp?) because I'm not a big fan of inserting things in myself. (I don't even wear tampons) Anyway the first few days were ok, but it's getting a bit rough. I don't know if these things are dissolving fast enough. Sometimes a bit will fall out when I use the rest room and wipe. This morning when I put it in I could swear I could feel the one from last night still in there. It's getting more and more painful to put them in. The nurse at the RE's office said I may have to take them for the first trimester, but I can't imagine having to do this for another 6 weeks. Any advice on how to make this easier? TIA

Re: Progesterone suppositories

  • When i did IVF #1, which resulted in DD, I was on prog. suppositorities. To me it's much better than having to take the POI shots since I'm not good with needles. You will have a buildup of prog. in there, and will likely see clumps of it coming out from time to time. This is totally normal and nothing to be alarmed by. And when you get busy with DH it will likely be uncomfortable because it gets very dry down there. Unfortunately i'm not sure if there's anything you can do to make it easier. I have heard of some women 'self cleaning' to get out the excess that is building up in there, so if you're comfortable with that it might help. good luck.
  • I just started doing them last week on the 11th I think. They seemed ok, and I found if I pushed them up there far enough I did not get the discharge from them. (dont know what else to call that) Not sure how to make it easier. I do it early morning like 6 am and lay in bed another hour or so. Then I do it before bedtime. Not sure that this helps you but thats what I am currently doing.


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  • QE2QE2 member
    I just started them this past week and they're not fun. I too get some falling out when using the restroom. I try to insert them as far up as possible to see if that helps and have found them difficult to insert if I'm a little dry. Good luck and I hope the next 6 weeks fly by for you!
    TTC since 3/08 DOR, High FSH, Hypothyroid, Uterine Polyps, blocked tube, MFI, 5 rounds of clomid, 5 IVF attempts, 2 hysteroscopies, 2 natural conceptions=2 losses (Methotrexate, D&C) Successful DE cycle twins born 10/7/11 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'm also taking suppositories.......Crinone to be exact.  They come in a little tube that acts much like an just insert and squeeze the's the consistency of lotion.  I also experience some light "leaking", so I wear a liner just in case.  They do make sex a little messy, too! Embarrassed  But they are not painful at all.  My dr. also said I may have to stay on these for my 1st tri should I get a BFP.

    Hope this helps!

  • Thanks ladies! I feel better knowing I'm not the only one going thru these difficulties. I just feel bad when I see it coming back out. I feel like I'm failing my LO somehow. I want to make sure he/she is getting all it needs to be healthy.
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