Hi Ladies,
I was wondering if any of you have experience with the vaginal progesterone pills. I was given the 200mg pills to take twice a day starting on my first beta (5/4). At first I was a bit squeemish (sp?) because I'm not a big fan of inserting things in myself. (I don't even wear tampons) Anyway the first few days were ok, but it's getting a bit rough. I don't know if these things are dissolving fast enough. Sometimes a bit will fall out when I use the rest room and wipe. This morning when I put it in I could swear I could feel the one from last night still in there. It's getting more and more painful to put them in. The nurse at the RE's office said I may have to take them for the first trimester, but I can't imagine having to do this for another 6 weeks. Any advice on how to make this easier? TIA
Re: Progesterone suppositories
I just started doing them last week on the 11th I think. They seemed ok, and I found if I pushed them up there far enough I did not get the discharge from them. (dont know what else to call that) Not sure how to make it easier. I do it early morning like 6 am and lay in bed another hour or so. Then I do it before bedtime. Not sure that this helps you but thats what I am currently doing.
I'm also taking suppositories.......Crinone to be exact. They come in a little tube that acts much like an eyedropper.......you just insert and squeeze the end......it's the consistency of lotion. I also experience some light "leaking", so I wear a liner just in case. They do make sex a little messy, too!
But they are not painful at all. My dr. also said I may have to stay on these for my 1st tri should I get a BFP.
Hope this helps!