Hi all,
We're going to start TTC in a couple of months and since I feel very strongly about cloth diapering our future LO and know that we'll need full-time daycare... I wanted to see if anyone knew any daycare centers that will work with you on cloth diapering instead of requiring disposables only.
I know it's a bit early to start looking at daycares, not knowing how long it'll take us to get PG, but I'm guessing CD-friendly daycares are few and far between so it'd be a good idea to start looking into this now.
We'd be looking into the Flower Mound/Lewisville/Coppell/Valley Ranch/Las Colinas areas, but any info about what you've encountered in your daycare search (or what you've heard from others) re: cloth diapering would be really helpful
Thanks all!
Re: cloth diapering at daycare
we didn't have any luck. we're inside 635 in dallas, so we were looking in really different parts of town.
our DD is at an NAEYC-accredited school, and they use that as an out. the accreditation states that they only accept CD if required by the child's pedi. i know others (not necessarily in NTX) have gotten around the NAEYC thing, but our school wasn't moving.
i do think there are some out there, so GL! with your search. in our case, we decided the school was a good fit in other ways, and we're doing CD at home and sposies at school. it is definitely NOT my first choice, but it was a pick/choose situation.
I don't know of any off the top of my head, but my suggestion would be to call some daycares and ask but also be willing (and let them know you are willing) to take time to come teach the teachers and show them how they work.
Although I might wait until you are actually pregnant to call and ask. Sometimes policies change when directors change and that can happen fairly often with daycare centers.
The two that I know of aren't close to you
Medical City was willing to use cloth and our montessori in McKinney allows them.
When we started looking at daycares, I took a diaper in to show them that its really just as easy as a disposible (we use pockets and aios at school). Our first daycare wouldn't use them, despite my best effforts to get them to! (we left for other reasons, not the fact that they wouldn't take her cds)
I tried to make it as easy for the teachers as possible. I supplied a step garbabge can that a wet bag will fit into. I don't expect them to deal with the poop-they roll the diaper up and throw it in the can and they're done with it. I grab the bag when I pick her up and dh puts a clean wetbag in the can when he drops her off.
I also made it very clear that we were willing to switch to disposible diapers if the cds were too much work for the teachers. I picked the easiest diapers to use, so they haven't had any problems.