Something I can buy 2 days in advance and not have to make or assemble. I'm leaning toward popsicles and cookies right now. One of the kids has a dairy issue. Anything else you can think of?
Ds recently got a singe serve box of dry cereal (Froot Loops!) for a birthday snack at his school. He talked about it all day. He'd also be a super happy kid if someone brought in any of those peach cups or any other fruit cup for that matter (you can get them in 100% juice with no added sugars if you're so inclined.) Yogurt in a tube ("Go Gurt") would be another hit with his class, especially if they were frozen.
Re: Has been asked a million times - what to bring to daycare for DS's b'day
I took in fruit and jello, that I bought at the store and the kids went nuts for it! it's also allergy friendly.