I have two. My female parts are all messed up from PCOS and endometriosis and tend to get more screwy with each ovulation, so I wanted to get pg soon after DD was born to have a better chance of a successful pregnancy and not need help to get there. I didn't want to risk L not having a sibling in case something happens to my remaining ovary.
Also, I my sisters are 16 and 15 months apart from me, and we are all best friends. I hope my kids have the experience of closeness with a sibling like I did growing up and like I do now as an adult.
DH's jokes that his reason is that he his not fond of the newborn stage of waking every couple of hours and wants to get it over with as soon as possible and he never wants to deal with me being pg again. He has to look macho, I guess.
Re: what was your main reason for wanting 2u2?
I just wanted a second pregnancy period.
The doctors told me to hurry back and that even if we rushed it was unlikely we'd ever have another child.
I wouldn't have planned it this way had it been 100% my choice but now that we're living it I loooove it and can't imagine it any other way!!!
Total score: 6 pregnancies, 5 losses, 2 amazing blessings that I'm thankful for every single day.
Mine are a little farther apart by 26 months.....but I still am going to post here.
I wanted #1 not to end being spoiled, have a friend, playmate, get use out of our stuff again - carseats/strollers. get diapers/being awake at night out of the way,
1. We hadn't ruled out a third baby and I didn't want to be PG in my late thirties. I had my second when I was 35.
2. My sister and I are 19 mos apart and we are super close. I wanted that for my kids.
3. I don't particularly enjoy the newborn/baby stages -- too much equipment to deal with. So the faster I could get out of that stage, the better.
Same for us. Also, I left a FT, good paying job when DS was born. I plan to take the next 7 years off to raise kids (I do work PT though) then go back to full time work when my youngest starts school. Financially it just makes more sense to have them close.
Pretty similar #2 and #3. My brothers and I are each 4 years apart and we weren't close growing up. But DH has 6 siblings, 7 in 9 years and they are super-close. Plus, we both had young parents and wanted to be youngish for our kids b/c that's what we know. And I'm almost 33 so we needed to move on to #2 quickly.
We want 3 or 4 kids and had our first @ 26 and second @ 27. Since I want to have all my kids before 35, we decided to have our first two close in age and then wait 2-3 years for the next.
Also, I was 5 years older than my brother and sister and, while we were pretty close growing up, I wanted my kids to be close enough to relate. Oddly, we're following DH's family pattern of having 2U2, waiting, and having 2U2 again.
Not planned on my part!