
Update on the pitbull

He is definitely a dangerous dog. The owner's stepdad brought the dog out and my uncle and cousin met them right out front. As soon as the owner got close enough to my uncle, the dog lunged at my uncle and tried to bite him. Right after that, my uncle said, "That's a dangerous dog you have there."

My uncle decided he was not even going to try to walk the dog. No reason to put himself in danger. Well, my cousin (also works with dogs) decided he wanted to try to walk him. The owner went to hand him the leash and the dog jumped and was inches from my cousin's neck. The owner pulled back on the leash and my cousin pulled up on the leash. If my cousin would not have pulled up, he would have been bitten in the neck.

I took a peek out DD's window. This dog is massive. MASSIVE.

So, my uncle came back and told us to buy a stinger box for our fence since the dog can jump the fence and will probably try to get to our dog. There is no doubt in his mind that the dog was taught (most likely from the punk kid) to be mean and to attack. He said this dog is the most aggressive dog he's met.

Nice. Now, I'm back to being scared.

Re: Update on the pitbull

  • That dog need to have an accident.  Or at least be neutered.
    promised myself I'd retire when I turned gold, and yet here I am
  • Did you ask if your uncle would report back that its a dangerous dog to animal control or whoever you mentioned he knows people at?

    If not I think if it was me I would be all up in the animal control's face and/or police about the dog.

    Don't happen to live in a neighborhood with an HOA do you? If so they might be able to help you out.

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  • not sure about where you live but where I live it is illegal to own a pitbull for this reason. you may want to report it as a dangerous animal. i wouldn't want to live near a dog like that
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