Pennsylvania Babies

Has anyone had a cyst in their breast?

I had my first prenatal checkup and yearly exam this week.  My midwife found what she thinks is a cyst in my breast.  I've known it was there since Ethan was about 3 months old.  At first I thought it was a clogged duct but it never went down.  Then I thought I may have damaged breast tissue from pumping b/c I discovered it shortly after I returned to work and was pumping more often.  It's tender, squishy, and I can kind of move it around.  I will have an ultrasound on Tues morning, possibly a mammogram if they feel it's necessary, and see a breast surgeon from there, again if necessary.  I know that's the plan but I thought I'd ask to see if anyone has experience with something like this.  My coworker said if it's a cyst, they may drain it with a needle?  I don't want to worry too much b/c I know we need to just see what it is first.  Just thought I'd ask to see if anyone has gone through something similar.

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Re: Has anyone had a cyst in their breast?

  • Hey Christina! I had a cyst a long time ago, probably close to 8 or 9 years ago. Mine was small (about the size of a small frozen pea) and wasn't as squishy or mobile as what yours sounds like, it was harder and didn't move much either. I actually had found it right before going to the dermatologist for a different issue and had that doctor look at it. They sent me to have a biopsy done and that came back negative, so they drained it as your friend had mentioned. It was all done outpatient.

     I remember how stressful this was not knowing what it was. Hang in there, I hope that yours will be just as easy to take care of. Also, I saw your above post about weaning Ethan. You should be so proud of yourself for doing such a great job with him and his allergies - this will too work itself out. Best of luck!

  • I had something similar to what you are describing, but I never ended up making it to a doctor for it.  Right before we left to fly to PA for our wedding, I found that my breast was a bit tender in one spot.  I felt it and sure enough there was a pea sized lump that was able to be pushed around a bit.  I went to the health center at school (where I had to go for insurance purposes at the time), and they gave me a referral to go see a real doc.  But like I sad we were leaving for our wedding in a few days.  I scheduled the appt for when we were to return, but it went away before that.

    They did tell me that if it is painful not discolored, and the skin isn't puckering in the area, then it is likely not any kind of cancer.  It sounds like you might have had pain with it at least in the beginning, so I wanted to share to easy any fears you may have.  Good luck!
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  • Thanks for your responses.  Now I'm wondering if it was in fact related to a milk duct.  My milk seems to have dried up and the area doesn't feel the same.  I guess we'll see on Tuesday.  Thanks again!
    TTC since Jan 07. Dx with PCOS Jan 08 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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