
ipod touch owners

I want to buy one for DH. I have know clue about electronics.

I know I am getting him the 32G and I think it comes with headphones. Other than a case, what else would he need for it? Is there something else you can buy for him to hook it up in his truck? I think I am going to get him a docking station so he can play it at his desk at work. Is the docking station necessary? Anything else I should look into?


Re: ipod touch owners

  • DH has one. I would get a screen protector. You can get something to hook up in the truck. We don't have one yet. The touch has speakers so the docking station for his desk is not necessary, but if it will also charge the ipod, it would be nice to have.
  • I'd go to the Apple store and ask what you need for the truck.  DH has an auxiliary hook up for the ipod in his car, but I don't, so I have an FM transmitter (which sucks).  The ipod touch does have a speaker on it, so you may want to see if the quality is good enough not to need a docking station.  He can just charge it through his computer.

    I got DH one for his birthday a few weeks ago, and he loves it.  Especially loves that he can use it for internet wherever there is wifi.  The only thing is that now we both have serious iphone envy (and we're stuck with Verizon Wireless). 

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  • Actually, I would not get a screen protector.  A friend of mine actually tried to scratch his screen with his keys and it would not scratch, and I've found them to be a general PITA.  We've had our iTouch and iPhones for over a year, and neither screens are scratched at all.  The backs are really scratched, but we don't really care about that.  A case is a good idea.

    They all come with earbuds. 

     A car adapter is a great idea.  We have one for H's ipod and we really like it.  Just be sure to buy one compatible with your generation.  Some use firewire, some use USB.  We also have a docking station for the home and it is really nice.  Adapters are not neccesary, but it's nice to listen to your music/podcasts/books while recharging.

    Definitely accompany it with an itunes g/c so he can jump right in with cool apps.  The only other thing I might suggest is some sort of armband, if you think he might wear it to work out.  

  • lol, DH does NOT workout!

    Thank you for all the help! I now feel confident in going down to make this purchase. I am excited to get it for him!

  • His headphones should have a mic, which is helpful for skyping from your touch.  I found a combo pack on Amazon for under $20 that had a screen protector, car charger and house charger and 3 cases for the touch.  Just search for it there and you'll find it.  You might be able to find a cheap docking station there too.

    We bought a receiver for the touch so that we can pop it in at home and listen to pandora with our wifi and it also plays the radio if the touch isn't in it.  We bought it at Kohls when it was on sale and I had a 15% off coupon. I think I spent $35, which is pretty cheap for one of those, IMO.

    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
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