
What do you think of...

Fill-in-the-blank thank you cards after a child's birthday party:

Dear ______ thank you for _______! Love, _______

What if the child was turning 3 and it was the parent filling out the information anyway.

Re: What do you think of...

  • If the parent is filling it out; no.  If the kid is old enough to fill it out themselve, I think it is a great idea.
  • I like it but I also dread filling out cards.
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  • Doesn't bother me! But then I don't really care about thank you notes. 
  • At 3, I think the child can understand the concept of a TYN. DS always draws a picture to thank people for his gifts, and then I write a short TYN to go with it. In fact, after he opens a gift now, he talks about thanking the person for it.

    I think it's all about the sincerity of the thank you.


  • I accidedntally bought that kind and didn't realize it until I was ready to write them.  DS was 3 and couldn't write them himself, so I did it.  It was only to family, so I didn't sweat it.  Normally, no if I was filling them out I wouldn't go with fill in the blank. 
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  • I wouldn't send out fill in the blank thank you notes and was put off when I received one from a close family member, very impersonal. JMO...

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