
Good gift for preemie?

My new nephew was born at 29 weeks.  I assume he'll be in the hospital for a while - what's a good gift?  Or should I wait and see?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Good gift for preemie?

  • Preemie clothes, books to hear Mommy's voice, soft lullaby cd, hats, soft receiving blankets.  My friend has a preemie a few weeks ago so I called the NICU and this is what they recommended. 
  • Premie clothes.  Although he may not be in them for a while, it's such a pain to find them.  I could not have been more grateful for friends who ran out to grab a few things for my baby to wear.

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  • For the baby?  or the parents?  If you wanted to do something right away for them, a gift for the parents might be welcomed!  (Like a care package of no-cook snacks, or a spiral ham, etc. for easy eating on the run)  For baby, some preemie or newborn sized clothes, particularly sleepers and onesies (not necessarily "outifts") would likely be welcome as I'd guess they didn't anticipate needing this size. 
  • For him - a preemie size hat or socks.  He probably isn't allowed to wear clothes yet. A book for his parents to read to him is also good.  Some hospitals allow a small stuffed animal (like a beanie baby) inside the isolette.

    For parents- Please make sure that you congratulate them on the baby, as preemie moms we often miss out on that.  Gift cards for restaurants near the hospital (we would grab something quick to eat at the times the unit was closed).  A care package with hand sanitizer, lotion, a disposable camera (to leave at the bedside for nurses to take pics with when the parents aren't there), a journal, snacks.

    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
  • coktcokt member
    My DS was in the NICU-only for 9 days-but he still wore preemie clothes for a long time. So I appreciated preemie clothes and preemie sized diapers because I did not expect him to come early or be so small for so long! Also meals brought to the hospital for us were really nice so that we did not have to leave him. We also had family go to our house and clean, do laundry, and put meals in our freezer which was awesome
  • preemie clothes FOR SURE!  it's so hard to find preemie clothes in store and most of those are for the 6lb baby... dd was 5lb 8oz at birth, 4lb 12oz at her smallest and was swimming in the preemie carters.   my cousin delivered her dc early and I ordered online from a site, I believe it was called Elliott's preemie clothes.   there are options for babies in hospital too... so easy to put on around tubes.   but they also have small , med , large... 1-2lb, 3-4lb, -5lb .... something like that.  


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