
Green mucous drainage out of ear?

DS2 got tubes a couple months ago.  The past few days and nights have been HELL as far as his sleeping goes and this morning I noticed his one ear was all crusty at the canal and onto the lobe.  I wiped it out and there was some thick, stringy discharge that came out.

I'm thinking he's got an infection.  I have drops that the surgeon prescribed for our use if we thought his ears got infected so I'll just fill that...but I wanted to make sure that the discharge sounds normal for an infection.  I'll call the doc later, but he does surgeries all morning.

Re: Green mucous drainage out of ear?

  • Isn't there a nurse or anyone you could talk to right away? I'm not sure if that's normal or not, but I'd want to talk to someone before giving him anything.
    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • sounds like and infection to me.
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  • I could be wrong, but I think Kori might have dealt with something similar with her DS.
  • Normal - it's infected and draining properly.  Definitely get the rx filled, do the drops and call the doc.

    You have to shake the drops each time - DH always forgets LOL 

  • imageKoriBrett:

    Normal - it's infected and draining properly.  Definitely get the rx filled, do the drops and call the doc.

    You have to shake the drops each time - DH always forgets LOL 

    I was hoping you'd see this.  Thanks.  I'll go fill it as soon as he wakes up and put a call in to the doc.  No wonder the poor buddy was cranky. 

  • How frustrating!

    Has he responded well to the drops in the past?  I only ask because DD1 did not and wound up needing oral antibiotics on top of the drops.  And if that's the case the doc can actually do a culture on the bacteria/drainage and prescribe the appropriate antibiotics to wipe it out.

    DD1 had horrible ears--got tubes at 10 mos, took a few weeks for the drainage to stop after that and then still wound up with an EI a couple months later.  I'm happy to say that she hasn't had an EI since her first birthday--over 3 years!

    Hopefully the summer does your DS some good and gives him a break from colds and EIs! 

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • imagemamarazzi:

    Normal - it's infected and draining properly.  Definitely get the rx filled, do the drops and call the doc.

    You have to shake the drops each time - DH always forgets LOL 

    I was hoping you'd see this.  Thanks.  I'll go fill it as soon as he wakes up and put a call in to the doc.  No wonder the poor buddy was cranky. 

    BTW the drops are $$$ if you don't have insurance - like $125.  I don't remember if your DH carried your insurance or if you did??  Just thought I'd warn you in case. 

  • imageKoriBrett:

    Normal - it's infected and draining properly.  Definitely get the rx filled, do the drops and call the doc.

    You have to shake the drops each time - DH always forgets LOL 

    I was hoping you'd see this.  Thanks.  I'll go fill it as soon as he wakes up and put a call in to the doc.  No wonder the poor buddy was cranky. 

    BTW the drops are $$$ if you don't have insurance - like $125.  I don't remember if your DH carried your insurance or if you did??  Just thought I'd warn you in case. 

    Thanks for the heads up.  We do have insurance and I think our prescription co-pay is pretty low, so we should be fine.  It's ubelievable how much they can charge for a teensy tiny bottle though!

    And to PP -- he hasn't used the drops yet.  Oral antibiotics never worked for him, so I'm hoping these do the trick.  But that's good to know about them being able to culture the discharge -- thanks!

  • imagemamarazzi:

    Normal - it's infected and draining properly.  Definitely get the rx filled, do the drops and call the doc.

    You have to shake the drops each time - DH always forgets LOL 

    I was hoping you'd see this.  Thanks.  I'll go fill it as soon as he wakes up and put a call in to the doc.  No wonder the poor buddy was cranky. 

    BTW the drops are $$$ if you don't have insurance - like $125.  I don't remember if your DH carried your insurance or if you did??  Just thought I'd warn you in case. 

    Thanks for the heads up.  We do have insurance and I think our prescription co-pay is pretty low, so we should be fine.  It's ubelievable how much they can charge for a teensy tiny bottle though!

    And to PP -- he hasn't used the drops yet.  Oral antibiotics never worked for him, so I'm hoping these do the trick.  But that's good to know about them being able to culture the discharge -- thanks!

    DS#2 never responded well to the drops either, he has tubes now and his first ear infection with the tubes I called upon "you girls" for help and Kori was also the one to tell me Yup he has an infection :-)  I called the ENT and they said to use the drops as instructed and if he's not better after that then i'd have to take him in.  My ENT also told me that the drops are an antibiotic drop and are much more effective then any oral antibiotic, so hopefully your little guy responds well to them... mine did :-)  Oh and my drops cost me $20.00 with my insurance...

  • Sounds like exactly the situation our dr told us to use the drops for.
    Jenni ~~Alex & Avery ~~ 6/13/06~~Adam ~~3/26/08

  • Ditto to pp - get the drops going. Also - before you head to the store give him some motrin to reduce the swelling and pain. The antibiotics will take a bit to work so this will help him be more comfortable.

    We refill our script as we go to always have them on hand. Worked out well when DS woke up Monday am with ear goo. I dropped him and sent him to daycare (should have given him pain meds too but didn't think about it).

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