My husband and I are relocating to Plano, Texas from Minnesota, and I will need a new OBGYN. I will be 16 weeks pregnant at the time of our relocation, and I would love to get established with a new doc quickly. Any recommendations of docs that you have had great experiences with?
Re: Need an OBGYN recommendation (Plano area)
My sis had him when she went into pre term labor at 24 weeks and had to be relocated to plano presby (our docs hospital cant handle anything under 28 weeks) and he was good a little rough with her (shes young) and he didnt even realize i was pregnant i was 24 weeks and HUGE and he was WEIRD!!!
On the other hand i go to Dr Bailey out of Centennial OBGYN she delievers at Baylor Frisco and thats an amazing hospital and Dr Wellborne is her partner and shes pretty amazing too (thats who my sis had)
I'm sorry you feel that way. I think he is a great doctor. What happened to your sister is exactly the reason we picked a well rounded, experienced, doctor so if something did happened we would have a doctor who knew how to handle it. I have seen him my whole pregnancy and in my opinion there is nothing weird about him.
fwiw, reisler delivered my dd1 (jacoby was out of town and they used to be in the same practice) and although im sure he's great -- he is very "old skool" and traditional -- and the nurses all said the same thing. not that its bad, just something that may not be everyone's style. it was certainly not mine.
He's actually IN Presby Plano- makes him running off for deliveries very convenient. DH is a doctor and he liked him, and that's saying a lot! His nurses are super awesome also- they knew us and called to check on us every so often.
I see Dr McIntire from this practice. Any of the drs there are great!! They have hospital rights at Centennial Medical Center or Presby Plano.
Mine is Melissa Bailey at Cetenial OB/GYN. She delivers at Baylor Frisco. She is super sweet and knows her stuff!.
Her office is right at 121 and Coit. Good Luck!