For those following winery's son's story (nutshell: large hematoma on his forehead became really infected, requiring hospitalization, antibiotics, and surgery this morning) - here's an update from winery:
B is doing well all things considered. He had surgery this morning, and is still in the hospital and will be there until at least Friday, if not longer. I know winery would appreciate kind thoughts and prayers sent her son's (and her) way
From winery directly [my comments in brackets]:
"While here, I've had
pediatricians that aren't ours come in to look at him and say that in
their "30 years, they've never seen anything like this". I was seeing
red by the last one. [nothing like having your child become the "unusual" case in the hospital!]
The surgery took minutes and the surgeon could not emphasize enough that there was an incredible amount of infection in there.
has an open wound that will heal from the inside out and we have to
pack it. His poor little face is so swollen he can hardly open his eyes
but he is getting better.
Hospital chairs are not comfortable for sleeping." [Poor thing sounds exhausted!]
Here's a pic from today - poor little guy
Sending lots of thoughts and prayers winery's way for a speedy recovery for poor little B!
Re: Update on winery's DS - still in the hospital
OMG my heart breaks for that little boy.
Get well soon B!
That poor little guy!
Sending thoughts and prayers and (((hugs))) to the whole winery family.
Ugh-- this feels like her c/section issues all over again.
I wonder if there's some kind of genetic tendency toward this kind of hematoma.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
I hope he recovers quickly and everyone gets to go home very soon!!
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
T&P. I can't imagine. Glad to hear he is on the mend.
Poor baby,thoughts and prayers for your family.
Purrf - not sure on any more of the details re: type of infection. Just sounds like it was pretty bad
Poor guy!
I was thinking the same thing Lari! Unreal what they have had to go through! That poor little man! Here's to a speedy recovery! Hang in there S!
I feel awful. I was the first person (aside from winery and her DH) to hold B when he was born! I hate seeing him like that. :-(
Get well fast, B!!
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
I thought the same thing. Poor baby and poor her... at least she knows how to pack a wound. I wonder why they aren't putting them in a room with a bed. At least she could try to get a little sleep that way.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church