
which crib should I get....?

I'm sticking to under $200 (more like 160ish or less) so of the following which is better? Or if you know another one in that price range post the link please. :) I don't really care about matching colors, DS's beds are a pine-but Oak color, and the changing table is cherry color. I just want something that will be sturdy and not wobbly.

1. Storkcraft espresso, $89 (super cheap, but good reviews) Storkcraft - Sheffield Stages Crib, Espresso

2. Storkcraft, Oak-matches DS's new bed in same room. $129

Storkcraft - Bradford Stages 4 -in-1 Crib, Oak

3. Graco Espresso, $135

Graco - Lauren 4-in-1 Convertible Classic Fixed Side Crib, Espresso


Re: which crib should I get....?

  • I voted other. Do you have an IKEA near you?  We bought our 2nd an IKEA crib and are so happy with it.
  • imagemeghans30:
    I voted other. Do you have an IKEA near you?  We bought our 2nd an IKEA crib and are so happy with it.
    No, and I looked at them online and didn't see any that I liked...
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  • I understand. They are more on the modern side, but they are super sturdy. I recommend this brand to everyone. I had a Graco with my first and it went through 3 recalls. We burned it! 
  • We have 2 of the Graco Laurens(#3).  They were on the Graco/LaJobi recall, so just make sure it has the new hardware.  I noticed when I looked at, it has a new model #, so I'm assuming it would have that hardware.  Just dbl check if you go with that one.  I'm 5'2" and never use the dropside, so no real reviews - just that they look great in our babies' room (light yellow walls).  They aren't heirloom quality, for sure...bu we only plan to keep them til G & E are 2, then we plan to sell them and move G & E into rooms with their same-sex sibling. 


  • imageamiamish:
    I voted other. Do you have an IKEA near you?  We bought our 2nd an IKEA crib and are so happy with it.
    No, and I looked at them online and didn't see any that I liked...

    oh, and IKEA sells a crib for less than $100 just like your 1st, but you would have to stain it. 

  • imagejettagurl:

    We have 2 of the Graco Laurens(#3).  They were on the Graco/LaJobi recall, so just make sure it has the new hardware.  I noticed when I looked at, it has a new model #, so I'm assuming it would have that hardware.  Just dbl check if you go with that one.  I'm 5'2" and never use the dropside, so no real reviews - just that they look great in our babies' room (light yellow walls).  They aren't heirloom quality, for sure...bu we only plan to keep them til G & E are 2, then we plan to sell them and move G & E into rooms with their same-sex sibling. 

    I didn't think that Graco one had a drop side- I'll have to go look again. And thank you for that heads up on the recall. That's the issue we have had. DS's 1st crib was in the simplicity recall, and now the dorel-asia one we replaced it with was just recalled in Jan and we were planning on using it for DS2. So, I'm used to recalls LOL. I do NOT want a drop side though, so if that graco one is dropside then I'm marking it off my list. I'm 5'10 and have no use for a drop side. :)
  • All of them.  You're having triplets, right?
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  • jetta-- it says "fixed side, no moving parts" I assume that means NOT drop side, right?

    and R9---hellllll nooooo,thank god. :)

  • imageamiamish:

    jetta-- it says "fixed side, no moving parts" I assume that means NOT drop side, right?

    and R9---hellllll nooooo,thank god. :)

    Yeah...I just went to look at it on walmart's website and it is a fixed side was definitely advertised as drop-side when we got ours  - and our is a drop-side - (last June-ish), so thats how they are fixing the recall issue, I assume.  

  • We have the Graco one and I love how it looks but it was just recalled and I'm annoyed with how they handled it.  I won't be buying another piece of Graco -- or Simplicity (which was what Law's crib was) -- furniture.

    I'd probably go with the one that matches the other furniture you have, but I like the first one, too.

  • Mamarazzi- what about the way they handled the recall did you not like? I thought you were able to just take it in to place of purchase and get a refund? (that's what I've done with both recalled cribs we've had.)
  • imageamiamish:
    Mamarazzi- what about the way they handled the recall did you not like? I thought you were able to just take it in to place of purchase and get a refund? (that's what I've done with both recalled cribs we've had.)

    Graco/LaJobi didn't do a return/refund.  Instead, they are sending repair hardware, which may take 2-3 weeks to arrive.( PITA) 


  • imagejettagurl:

    Mamarazzi- what about the way they handled the recall did you not like? I thought you were able to just take it in to place of purchase and get a refund? (that's what I've done with both recalled cribs we've had.)

    Graco/LaJobi didn't do a return/refund.  Instead, they are sending repair hardware, which may take 2-3 weeks to arrive.( PITA) 


    oh damn... are you sure they won't let you just get your money back at the store? On this Dorel-asia one they said they would mail you a replacement part, but I didn't want that- and Walmart said they'd take it back no questions asked. I took it back today and got cash back....really simple.

  • imageamiamish:

    Mamarazzi- what about the way they handled the recall did you not like? I thought you were able to just take it in to place of purchase and get a refund? (that's what I've done with both recalled cribs we've had.)

    Graco/LaJobi didn't do a return/refund.  Instead, they are sending repair hardware, which may take 2-3 weeks to arrive.( PITA) 


    oh damn... are you sure they won't let you just get your money back at the store? On this Dorel-asia one they said they would mail you a replacement part, but I didn't want that- and Walmart said they'd take it back no questions asked. I took it back today and got cash back....really simple.

    wow! I'm going to check into that.  I'd really just exchange for the fixed-side, probably.  thanks!


  • I love the color and style of the Graco crib. My second choice is #2 since it matches the other bed. I love the crib we have; wish I could remember the brand. It's from USA Baby so $$$. It's a drop side, but it wasn't involved in the recall. Good thing since at 5'4" I really need that drop side.
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