Two Under 2

Monitors in 2 rooms

Do you have a monitor in 2 different rooms? If so, how does that work? just put them on different channels? Thanks!
Abigail Noelle, 8.29.09
Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
Claire Zoe, 10.26.10

Re: Monitors in 2 rooms

  • I have the same question!  We have a video monitor and i was wondering if we would buy just a camera or if we'd have to buy a whole new set.
  • We have two of these:

     It's all digital so there is no need to worry about channel's crossing. We had a Sony one that had channels and it gave us horrible feedback when it was near any other electronics. This one is much better.

    We have one in each of their rooms.

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  • We have one digital and one analog.  We originally had two analogs, but they interfered (I could hear both rooms).  Having one of each type works better in our house.
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  • We have two sets of Sony 27-channel monitors. Each room is set on it's own channel and we have no problems with feedback.
  • We have video monitor (and will buy another camera for #2 soon) with the sound set to #1 and an additional monitor (the Angelcare motion monitor) set to #2. After she outgrows the motion part (we would get a lot of false alarms with #1 once he started scooting too far into the corner and sleeping on his side) I'll switch it to just be the audio.
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