
weight gain during pregnancy

hi, i'm new!!

i'm 14 weeks with twins and just discovered i've gained about 12 pounds since before i was pregnant (8 of those were in the last month) i'm 5'2" and was about 125 lbs. i was shocked, because i've haven't been eating anymore food than pre-pregancy and sometimes it seems like less. i've been eating heathly - high protein, low fat, low carbs (just because that's what i've been wanting).

i didn't have much nausea, so it didn't really stop me from eating, just slowed me down for a couple of weeks.

i found that 4 to 5 lbs is average in the first trimester and i'm shocked that i almost tripled that! 

i've  never had an issue with weight gain - except that the past couple years due to last of exercise. but otherwise, i've always been at a healthy weight. i should say that my belly is huge already and that this week is the first week my pants (besides the waist) feel snug.

for twins moms, what was your weight gain like? should i be worried?


Re: weight gain during pregnancy

  • Get Dr. Luke's book on being pg with twins, triplets and quads - it goes into great detail about weight gain - which you WANT to be a lot more than a singleton - esp early on --- she recommends aprox 20lbs in 20 weeks... that way if you give birth early they will be as big as possible.

    I gained 19lbs in 24w and was trying REALLY hard to gain weight- it just didn't happen - they seemed to use it all up for energy -- but in the end i gained 40lbs (less than i gained with my singleton and went 2 weeks longer than that pg, too!)... my boys were born at 38w healthy at 6lb 6oz and 7lb 15.6oz.

    the key is to eat a lot of protein, healthy fats, and dairy.

  • I had a very similar experience.  I am 5'5" and weighed in at 132 at week 8.  I gained the majority of my weight in the second half of the first trimester and the first part of the second trimester.  I put on 10 pounds in 4 weeks! I am 29 weeks and I have put on 32 pounds, but I am only doing a pound a week right now.  I exercised regualarly (walking, jogging and aerobics) but I did eat a ton.  I was always hungry.  I don't think that I have eaten as much as I did that first trimester - obviously no morning sickness.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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  • I had gained about 8 lbs by 9w4d. You will gain more, and it's okay. Just make sure you're eating healthy foods - lots of protein, dairy, etc.
  • My weight gain freaks me out. I'd probably gained about the same as you by 9 weeks. RIght now I'm 25 weeks and I've gained about 27 pounds. But it's all belly - I try on pre-pg pants once a week just to make sure they still fit over my butt!  It sounds like you're eating the right stuff, and make sure you're eating enough!
  • TPmomTPmom member
    thanks ladies!
  • My total weight gain so far is 13 pounds and I'm only 16 weeks. I think it's a lot but I know I'm going to gain a lot more so I better get used to it! I wouldn't worry about your weight gain unless it's due to unhealthy eating habits.
    Mom to six awesome kids - Levi is 12, Landen is 8, Gabrielle is 6, Lucas is 3, and Oliver and Samuel are 2 years old. Love my crew. Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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