
Babies Update from sono @ 31 wks.

We had our monthly sono this morning:) Both babies are doing great and weigh in @ about 4lbs. and 4 1/2lbs. (63rd and 90th percentiles) @ nearly 31 wks. Baby A has stayed head down and quiet and Baby B started out head down, then flipped to breech, then transverse all within 30 min. Lil' stinker! My cervix is holding strong @ 5 cm. They both have hiccups all the time now and did 3 times during the sono:) I will see my OB Th. and see what she says. They look like they'll stay cookin' for at least another 5 wks. Yay for good appts.!!!
Caroline Faith 1.10.06, Audrey Alexis 11.1.07, Noah James & Ethan Alexander 6.17.10

Re: Babies Update from sono @ 31 wks.

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