
Why did I think it was ok to tell my 3.5 y.o. about piranhas?

He asked me if fish bite and not thinking, I said, "No, they don't bite.   Well, piranhas do, but (and here is where I realized I just opened a whole can of worms) they are far away."  

Him:  "WHAT?!"

Great.  This was last week and he has asked me about them everyday since.  Today, he wanted to know if they were in my mom's lake up north.  That is going to be a fun trip now.

What was I thinking? 


DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12

Re: Why did I think it was ok to tell my 3.5 y.o. about piranhas?

  • Maybe he'll forget about them by the time you go up north.  Maybe.  :)
  • LOL!  Yeah, we had a discussion about sharks one day, prompted by a bath toy, and she now thinks there are sharks in the lake, the river, the pond at the park, any body of water, really.  Smile

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  • Well, if you hadn't mentioned them, you still would have had to talk about sharks so there was really no way to win to begin with. Smile
    My three little ones
  • YodajoYodajo member

    Oh yes, sharks.  Strangely, that hasn't come up.  Yet. 

    If he ever sees a pic of a piranha, its all over. 

    DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12
  • imageYodajo:

    Oh yes, sharks.  Strangely, that hasn't come up.  Yet. 

    If he ever sees a pic of a piranha, its all over. 

    Big Smile  LOL!

  • Ha!  That's so cute! 

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