
Weight gain ?

When did your weight gain begin to slow down? I have only gained about 27lbs. and have not gained anything at all in the last 2 weeks. I thought this was strange, my doctor didn't say anything about it and obviously doesn't seem concerned. I had a growth scan yesterday and both babies are about 3.1lbs. 
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Re: Weight gain ?

  • This is me! Literally to the T, same weight gain- 27lbs, 30wks and babies are weighing about 3lbs each.

    My doc dosent seem concerned at all either. Im 5'2 and somewhat petite so I dont think he expects me to gain too much either.


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  • imageSMILEYD:

    This is me! Literally to the T, same weight gain- 27lbs, 30wks and babies are weighing about 3lbs each.

    My doc dosent seem concerned at all either. Im 5'2 and somewhat petite so I dont think he expects me to gain too much either.


    We must have started out about the same size, I'm about 5'2" also and pretty petite.

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