
What yucky weather.

50 and raining. Blerg.

I was hoping to get the kids out to run today, because I spent all day yesterday unpacking crap. But the rest of this week looks dismal.

Looks like the mall may be the place to be!

AKA KnittyB*tch
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008


Re: What yucky weather.

  • It sucks.  Take them to the Spaghetti Warehouse for lunch!  They'll love sitting in the caboose or the bed frame table!
    Big Brother Logan Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Baby Miles Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Bryan Smith - Freelance Photography Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • Today it's sunny here, but cool. Tomorrow, we're getting you weather. In the 50's and rainy. yuck.  I was getting so used to the beautiful weather. So much so, that I already planted all my boxes (which I've had to bring into the shed for the last few days)!
    Melanie ~Ava Grace 7.20.06 & Lila Jane 7.22.09~ m/c #3 6/18/08 image
  • Loading the player...
  • Yeah it's pretty craptacular here, too. 
  • Yup, cold and rainy all week here.  We invited friends over today to play on the new playset, but that isn't gonna happen.  I'm kind of dreading having them over now.
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