Hi ladies..I thought I would post this question here since something is just not right.
My boys are 7 months and I had a c-section at 36 weeks (just for some background!). For a few weeks now I have had some pain in my abdominal area (not constant...mostly when I have been lifting heavy things (aka:babies) too much all day long!.
Then sometimes I get a little bulge on the top of my belly button that feels tender. Sometimes it's bigger and sometimes you can't really feel it.
My back is also killing me (like more than your normal occasional back pain)...but again, that may just be from lifting these guys up and down the stairs all day long!.
Did anyone have something similar? Could it be a hernia? yikes (
I'm not sure if I need to make an appointment with my OB or with an internal medicine Dr...thoughts?
Re: Post-pregnancy hernia?