
Twins and schedules

So I'm trying to look ahead at our schedule and I wanted to see what other twin families do... They're only 6 1/2 weeks old and what we're doing works for them right now, but I'd like to see if something else could work better.

What we do now:

7pm Down for the night with 3.5 oz bottles
10pm 4 oz feeding
Middle of the night - as determined by them - 4 oz
6am 4oz
10am 3.5 oz
1pm 3.5 oz
4pm 3.5 oz

We also do the EASY method after the 10am, 1pm and 4pm feedings. Right now the middle of the night feeding takes place between 2-3am which works well and fits into our schedule, but I'm trying to think ahead for when they sleep longer and the feeding moves later and later - then the 6am feeding doesn't really fit - what did you do? Thanks for getting through this - it got kinda long.  

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