Hi Ladies,
I'll be 33 weeks tomorrow and I went into preterm labor this week. After two trips to L&D, the doctor sent me home on meds to keep me from going into labor again. I'm hoping to make it to 34 weeks. I know others on this board had their babies much earlier, but I'm still so scared. What kind of complications can I expect if I do deliver soon? Our closest NICU is a two hour drive away-- but of course they would airlift LO and we would have to follow by car the next day. Any advice or your experience would help ease my mind.
Re: never thought I'd post to this board
hi there! I'm not on this board, but I lurk as I'm high risk and got a positive fFN last week. Our game plan is to transport me as soon as they see labor can't be stopped so that the nicu team is there ready for him.
They've said the 30/40 min flight to the nearest nicu could be a make-or-break if he needs more than our hospital is equipt with or knows how to do. I didn't know it was an option to send me ahead until it was presented recently..just an idea for you to ask about!! best wishes to you!
my son was born at 34w1d and we were able to talk to the neonatalogist a few days prior. they gave me steroid injections to help the lungs mature and told us depending on his development at birth, he might be able to breathe on his own... might need a tube to help bring in oxygen... or might need to be put on a ventilator. he said that babies born at 34w do really well and that made us feel better. our son's neighbors in the nicu are amazing -- one little girl was born and weighed 1lb 4.5 oz, another boy was 24w and 1lb9oz... it is amazing to see what the doctors and nurses are able to do for these babies and i love seeing how much they have overcome.
good luck to you!
Of course you're scared! You never have to apologize for being afraid of delivering preterm. Here are my suggestions which you are of course free to ignore as you see fit.
First, I would NOT be comfortable being 2 hrs away from a NICU. Granted, my DH is a pedi and has enough scary stories to have convinced me about this, but even in my own opinion, it's just too far. We made sure we were delivering at the hospital immediately connected to the best NICU rather than the hospital across the street to even avoid a car transport. Can you move your delivery to the same hospital (or one much closer to) the nearest NICU? If it's at all possible, I personally would.
Did they give you the steroid shots? As PP mentioned, they're a HUGE help. I didn't get any b/c "34w is generally safe" and I also went into labor quickly and abruptly. DS had to be intubated and had major breathing issues for the first 5 days. I wish I knew then what I knew now and pushed for the steroid shots. Generally 34w is a good age and often they need very little breathing assistance, but I don't think it's best to count on that if you can get the steroid shots now to mature the lungs.
Other complications you'll likely face are ones I outlined in a post below (maybe 10 posts back?) but include: baby not being able to keep temp up (needing an isolette/warmer), learning to eat (boys are worse at this than girls), apneas/bradycardias (stopping breathing, heart rate dropping out), and jaundice. Everyone's NICU experience is a little difference. Some 34w are in and out very quickly from the NICU, some take closer to a month or more. Hang in there! Ask any questions you have here - it's a great board.
Could you go stay with your ILs until the baby comes? Or until full term (crossing fingers it could really be that long)? I seriously would move on this like today; start calling your doc, DH, and ILs and see if there's something you can work out. I just want you to be safe and in a good position when you go into labor for you and your baby!
This. I'd probably stay much closer to the hospital with the nicu. I do hope that you can keep LO in there for much longer though!
I was 32 weeks when I went into preterm labor, my water broke. My labor was pretty text book. I dilated on my own and delivered vaginally. I did have to get some stitches but nothing terrible. I was up and walking the next day without pain. I only needed to ask for some Motrin once while in the hospital. I was discharged from the hospital within 2 days of delivery.
I wasn't able to hold the baby after he was born. He was rushed to the NICU.
You will be fine. It is scary not knowing and not being ready.