I think I read that you're starting the boys in kindergarten in 2012. Is that right? Have you found that to be the case with most kids w/ fall bdays in your school district?
I am pretty sure we are starting then. It seems to be the norm in our district. Are you doing 2 years of preschool? I am debating about doing preschool next year and then jr kindergarten or just two years at a preschool. Just curious what you polan on doing. I am driving myself crazy going back and forth!
Re: jen2124
Yes, we are starting them when they are almost 6 instead of almost 5! I do think it is more common around here....I even hear of people holding their kid's back who have summer birthdays..yikes! Plus, I keep seeing what a huge difference a year makes in general (how much they change) and I would way rather they be ahead a year than behind a year....even moreso since girls seem to be more mature than boys.
They are going to start preschool this fall. We are starting out with 2 days a week (2 1/2 hour sessions). I might add a third day in time..we will see. I don't really think it is necessary, but they could use the stimulation and they like having something to do.
I forget...what city are you in? We are in Northville. You can email me if you want, too: jnel0403@yahoo.com
Yes, Sam has a friend with a July birthtday who is starting when he is 6. The mom has two older boys with fall bdays who were held and she is a a big proponent of it after seeing how they did.
We are in Brighton. I called the local school's proncipal and even she was recommending it and saying how she wished she had done it for her own boys. From talking to other moms and the school, it seems to be what most are doing.
Right now, Sam goes to a preschool type program two days a week for an hour and a half each day. I did it moreso just as a MDO thing. I am struggling with how to handle the next two years though. Sam is constantly asking to go to school, so I know he'll do three days next year. Its the year after (2011) I am debating on what to do.