I posted about this on my local board, but I thought you ladies might like a little perspective from a BM on Mother's day.
My youngest sister called me yesterday to wish me a happy mothers day. She said, "Oh how is Emmalee, the sole reason you are able to celebrate today?" Ummmm WTF??
Now, I realize that she has been essentially brainwashed by my mother to not acknowledge K's existence and to act like the victim when K is brought up in conversation, but COME ON!!
You don't have to acknowledge her birth, but please don't ignore it. I may have chosen not to parent my child, but that does not give you (meaning my family) the right to say I am not a mother until I do parent a child. Sorry for the drama, I go through this basically every year with my family. My DH is wonderful, he has never thought like my family.
Please, for those of you who have been blessed by adopting, plan to adopt, or working towards the end goal of adopting, I beg you to please remember the birth families on special days like this. You don't have to do anything big, a simple prayer will do.
Re: I have an insensitive family
I'm so sorry. That was a very offensive thing for your sister to say.
Just know that there are so many of us out there who are incredibly thankful for women like you who are brave and selfless enough to make an adoption plan for their litlte one. Birth moms like you were in all of our minds on Mother's Day!!
I'm so sorry that she treated you that way.