I noticed the last 2-3 days dd's nipples have looked really swollen and if you push them they feel like there is a hrad bump under them. Also on wed she told me her underwear were yucky I thought she had pee'd a tiny bit before she got to the bath room but the had mucus on them. Is this normal or should call her pedi tmrw. They are opened today for 20 more mins if I should call now. Or should I wait a few days and see what happens. I have not seen the mucus since but she hates underwear and only wears them when we leave the house and I have been having morning sickness since thrusday so we really have not left the house. What could this be and what should I do?
Re: Is this normal for a 3 year old girl
Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
DD has never had those issues.
If it were me, I would call the dr and be in there for an appt first thing tomorrow morning.