How the hell do you store this crap??? I don't have room for this!
EX-MIL gave DS several Thomas sets for his bday party yesterday. DS loves them (as do I! LOL). How the heck do you store them? Do you keep them set up? Just a big box?
DS is mesmerized by it. I just don't know what my plan of action for storage is.
And, no way, shape or form can I afford a train table!
#4- EDD July 14
Re: I ignored all those posts, now I need help. (Thomas the Train)
Do you have one of those 6' folding tables? You could always find a spot to put one of those and set it up.
Or even a folding 4' one? (Which you can find for about $30, I think).
We have also used a piece of plywood (thicker piece) but I think plywood is almost as expensive as a darn table now.
For the trains themselves, a bin.
For the tracks, if you find a designated area to leave it set up, that is probably best. If not, bins.
Check craigslist often for traintables and/or put out an ISO ad on there that you're looking for one. That is a realistic way for you to get one for cheap. We have one that my friend gave Nathan when her DS grew out of but he doesn't appear to really have any interest in in for trains just yet. They currently use it as a "Stage" to dance on! LOL.
But even if you just get a smaller wooden table maybe you could paint a scene on it yourself to "Make" a train table? And then you could get some storage bins for underneath the table to store the stuff in.
We had a train table but for all the extra tracks and sets that were not currently being used we had a cheap version of this:
Target sells a train table for $79.99 and it has a little bit of storage on the ends of it (it's what we have) so it's not too terribly expensive. Otherwise, a few sets just stay put up on the table. As far as train storage, we have a container that looks like a lunchbox, but is like those matchbox car containers and we store the trains themselves in there.
If none of this is an option for you, you could always just buy a plastic tote to store the pieces in. GL!
Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
I wish an $80 train table was an option, but right now, as a single mom on my salary, it just isn't.
I actually have some extra lumber laying around from rebuilding my back porch. Maybe I can have my friend make a table for DS's playroom.
This thing is giving me a headache with the noise. DS is just sitting there watching it go around and around and around and around.
#4- EDD July 14
Thomas is a tank engine. Just sayin'.