We just got our dresser/changing table set up. Besides diapers, wipes, changing pad, etc (the obvious stuff) what are thing that you find essential to have on-hand/nearby during changes? TIA!
wipes, diapers, vaseline, powder (out of reach of the kids b/c it can be dangerous if breathed in), butt paste and baby lotion.
i also keep, in the top drawer - Qtips, nail clippers, tylenol and motrin, booger sucker syringe + extra changing pad covers so i have them ready to go if/when they pee or get poop on the one they are getting changed on
I keep a basket with lots of goodies: vaseline, thermometer, probe covers, diaper rash cream, baby q-tips, saline spray, nasal aspirator, nail clippers. I also keep stacks of back up wipe refills. An old receiving blanket that I put down for poop diaper changes to protect the pad cover and I keep plastic grocery bags nearby that the poop diapers go directly into and right outside. And finally, I have a pump hand sanitizer and a clock!
I keep a basket with lots of goodies: vaseline, thermometer, probe covers, diaper rash cream, baby q-tips, saline spray, nasal aspirator, nail clippers. I also keep stacks of back up wipe refills. An old receiving blanket that I put down for poop diaper changes to protect the pad cover and I keep plastic grocery bags nearby that the poop diapers go directly into and right outside. And finally, I have a pump hand sanitizer and a clock!
we have the baggies, too - forgot about those - very important
I LOL'd reading " and a clock" - what is that for?? LOL. Timing the poops? hehe
lotion, butt cream, qtips, clothes, laundry basket next to it on one side, trash can (for wet diapers) and diaper genie (for poopie diapers) on the other side, nasal aspirator, rags, and what everyone else has said too.
Re: What's at your changing table?
extra changing pads and/or the little pads for on top of changing pad...saved us from having to change the cover everytime someone peed on it lol
-diaper cream
-tylenol/mylicon/any meds
-receiving blankets
thats all I can think of right now.....
wipes, diapers, vaseline, powder (out of reach of the kids b/c it can be dangerous if breathed in), butt paste and baby lotion.
i also keep, in the top drawer - Qtips, nail clippers, tylenol and motrin, booger sucker syringe + extra changing pad covers so i have them ready to go if/when they pee or get poop on the one they are getting changed on
we have the baggies, too - forgot about those - very important
I LOL'd reading " and a clock" - what is that for?? LOL. Timing the poops?