I saw in an earlier post that someone's 3 yr old goes to bed at 6:30... really?!! How in the world does this happen? I'm not flaming or anything, just curious how you get your kid to bed so early. This is usually what time we eat dinner.... and if my DS went to bed at 6:30, he'd be up at 5am for the day. LOL Also, how do you get anything done? Sometimes we run errands after dinner, etc or in the summer we go outside and play. I just don't think there's a chance in hell my kid would go to bed that early.

It's a struggle getting him to bed at 8pm sometimes!
Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo

Re: ? about early bedtimes...
My dd wakes anywhere between 4:55 am and 6:15. It's just the way her body works. So by 7:00, she's cooked. Tonight, she fell asleep on the couch watching dora at 6:50 while I was putting the baby to sleep. Some kids just have different sleeping patterns.
I could put DD to bed at 10 pm, and she would still wake at 6:00.
My kids are in bed right now (6:40). They get up early regardless of the time they go to bed. DS wakes around 6-6:30 (no nap) and DD is up by 7(she does nap for about 2 hours). They actually are exhaused and go to bed happily. It is inconvienient sometimes and we will keep them up later if we have a family thing or something, but they become monsters fast and are still up early the next day.
I do love it, I can relax and get my alone time in the evenings.
{Ava 5.16.06} {Ella 12.29.07} {Drew 2.9.10}
Get room darkening shades in his room, so it's "really, really dark" in his room. I tell my kids that we go to bed according to the clock, not the sun.