
MoMs that didn't find out the genders...

With DS we didn't find out what we were having.  It was so exciting to be in L&D pushing out my baby and FINALLY finding out whether it was a boy or girl!

MH is convinced that we need to find out the genders of the twins.  He keeps reminding me how many things we'll need to buy and that it would be so much easier if we knew what we were having.  I can agree with some of his points, but I still don't think I want to find out!

Was it a mutual decision to keep the genders a secret?  Are you happy with your decision?  Was it hard to have all of those extra u/s and not find out what you were having?? 


Re: MoMs that didn't find out the genders...

  • I would wait.  We found out with DS1.  I always wanted #2 to be a surprise until delivery.  When we learned that we were having twins we decided to find out, in the end I regret finding out.  We're not having any more kids, I'll never get to experience what you described.
  • my babies aren't here yet but we are team green. we just made sure that with every single u/s we reminded the tech that we didn't want to know.

    it is def a mutual decision on our part, and people around us are generally supportive but many are really surprised that we don't want to know. i can not wait for the moment when the dr. or mh tell me what my little beans are. in the mean time we have a lot of fun making guesses and predictions.

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  • I am on the other end of the spectrum, I can't imagine NOT knowing the sexes. I am such a planner that I have to find out ASAP.
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  • I'm at the other end too. I am on pins and needles waiting for the u/s when the tech can say "You're having..." I do admire people who can wait though. I've said if we end up with one of each this time, and if we ever get pregnant again I would want it to be a surprise.
  • pea-kaypea-kay member

    We didn't find out. Frankly, I kind of wish we had found out. I didn't really "bond" with them when I was pregnant, because I had no way to picture them, you know? And I was so out of it during my c/s, that it wasn't a big deal to find out. (On the other hand, when I watch the video of that part, I get all teary. Hee hee!)

    It was a mutual decision not to find out. It wasn't a big deal with all the u/s's, we just reminded the tech every time, and she'd tell me when to not look.

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  • I did not want to find out with the twins, DH did.  In the end, we found out-- I just figured that DH wanted to know more than I did not want to know and I thought it best to be prepared with everything when they arrive.

    In hindsight, I am so glad I found out.  I'm having a tough pg and feeling like I "know" the twins a little better is keeping me going.  Plus, we tell DS all the time about his brother and sister, even their names, to get him used to the idea of 2 more little ones in the house.

  • We didn't find out with DD and loved finding out at the delivery!  This time we planned on being Team Green but with twins we feel like we should find out.  We still kinda don't want to know, but now that I've convinced myself we are going to find out I'm really excited to know.  However, to keep it interesting we are going to have the tech write each one and seal it in a separate envelope and then we'll each have one to open.  I think we might even take our envelopes and buy a gift that is gender specific and give it to one another.  I just know I don't just want the tech to tell us what they are.
  • we didn't find out and I am so glad we was amazing to have something huge like that to look forward to finding out toward the end of the pregnancy...we just reminded the techs and docs every time....
  • We didnt find out with our son, it was so exciting not knowing. I was the one who actually got to tell my h that it was a boy, we had a different dr delivering and forgot we didnt know. When I looked down and saw balls, I hit my h and said its a boy.

    When we found out we were having twins my h had it in his head that we needed to find out. I told him I didnt want to since I knew we would find out one but not the other, I even dreamed this would happend. Guess what, it did happen. We went in and the tech said we have a boy and what could be a girl(she didnt want to show anything). This happend at every u/s after. We didnt actually find out we were having a girl until delivery.

    I wish we just didnt find out.  Good luck on your decision.

  • We are not finding out, we always said we would wait, but with twins a part of me wanta to know what they are.  MH REALLY wants to be surprised, so we didn't find out.  At this point we don't have much longer to go and I feel like it will help get me through the next couple months and it's been fun trying to figure out what they are.
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  • We didn't find out the sexes of the babies. DH and I both wanted to wait.

    It was hard bc of all the extra u/s at the end of the pg but by the third tri, my kids were packed so tight in there that they couldn't really see the goods even if I caved.

    We didn't worry about putting together the nursery bc they are sleeping in an Arm's Reach Co-sleeper in our room right now. So we can decorate now that we know we have boy/girl twins. My husband's sister gave us a ton of baby clothes boy stuff and girl stuff. I washed it all and had it all put away in their room and figured if we have two boys I'd goodwill the girl stuff and likewise if we had two girls with the boy stuff.

    One of the things I especially liked about waiting was the way DH got to tell me the sexes of the twins. I had to have a c/s bc baby A, DD, was frank breech. The Dr. took baby A out and instead of doctors and nurses shouting out that it was a girl. The doc showed her to DH and he got to tell me quietly that we have a daughter and as DS was born he told me that we have a son. It made for an intimate moment for the two of us in the middle of very sterile/clinical OR experience.

    Good luck!  


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