DS is 13 months old. He has been waking up at 5 am everyday for at least 6 months. Until I weaned him last week, I always thought he was hungry because he would nurse and go back to sleep. Now that he is weaned, I get up and give him some milk. He only drinks a small sip and then just wants to be held for a minute of two and then goes back to sleep until 7.
Is it possible to end this somehow? He will cry for 20 minutes (don't know if he would continue to cry or not), if I don't get him. I wouldn't mind, but I am losing at least 1/2 to 1 hour of sleep at night because of this 3 minute interlude, since it is hard for me to get back to sleep after he wakes me.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
What about a lovey? You could go in and give that to him, rub his back for moment and leave. Stop picking him up. He'll catch on and just stop waking, since there is no 'reward' (you holding him). Right now he knows that if e keeps crying you will come get him.