

morning! did you find a birthday dress for Rory yet? How are the party plans?



Re: josey

  • Hey!  I didn't.  I am going to check Target this weekend, and if I find nothing there, I have a couple that are okay options that I've found online.  Nothing I love, though.  Did you find B one?

    The party plans are good!  I got all the decorations I made printed this week, and started cutting and assembling last night.  I was so excited with how it is turning out so far!  I will take a few pics this weekend to show you on Monday! Smile

    Are you going with the iCarly still for B?

    I am leaving in a few minutes for the tour with the new preschool/daycare.  I told Rory about it last night, and she is excited, so I am interested to see how she acts when we get there! 

  • I didn't even really look yet.

    She's gone from iCarly to Strawberry shortcake, to Barbie to ponies. I have no idea what we're doing. Haven't even gotten the invites yet!

    I hope R loves her new school! I am so excited for B to move in September, I wish it were now.

    Have fun, let me know how it goes.

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