
*Dande* or other MSU people

Did you see this?  And how old does it make you feel that one of our bar bands now does kid music?  LOL

Verve Pipe performs at Cornerstone Elementary

Students at Cornerstone Elementary School received a special treat April 29 when Michigan band The Verve Pipe put on a pair of shows in the school cafeteria.

The Verve Pipe is best known for their hit single ?The Freshmen,? which was a major release by RCA Records in 1995.

The band?s latest album is targeted towards small children and parents. ?The Family Album? features songs such as ?Wake Up,? ?Cereal? and ?Suppertime!?

The band performed at 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. and had Cornerstone students cheering and swaying to the music.

?These are our favorite shows,? said lead singer and band founder Brian Vander Ark.

Several members of The Verve Pipe are married and have children, including Vander Ark, which was a major impetus for creating the new album.
?Kids are brutally honest ? if they don?t like something they?ll put their fingers in their ears, which is funny,? Vander Ark said. ?But by the end of it you?ve got them all into it. It?s such a joyous experience.?
Vander Ark said he hopes the new album will bring positive messages to children.
?We try to give a message (during school concerts) because going to school is all about messages,? Vander Ark said.

During the concert the songs were broken up by dialogue and side stories designed to teach the children a moral.

?Ideas like putting down the controller and picking up an instrument and being a part of the band are important,? Vander Ark said, adding that the band encourages families promote healthier activities.

Vander Ark said that he hopes the band?s fans who have grown into adults use the new album to connect with their children.

Everyone in the band has their own favorite songs. Vander Ark?s favorites include ?When One Became Two,? a song about a child expecting a new sibling. He is currently expecting a second child.

Drummer and backup vocalist Donny Brown is considered the big kid of the group and is credited as the mastermind behind the songs ?Cereal? and ?Wake Up.?

?I embrace my inner kid, but don?t want to give people the wrong idea ? I?m a responsible adult,? Brown joked.
But there?s always room for cereal at any age and any time of the day, he added.

?When we were on the road that was one of our favorite things ? along with everything else we always had a 24 pack of Kellogg?s cereal,? Brown confessed.

Vander Ark said he hopes his band will be able to turn out a follow up to The Family Album and said he?d be more than happy to bring the band back to Dexter for another concert.

The album took a year to produce through an independent label.

Parent volunteer Kristin Walters and her husband approached members of the band to play at Cornerstone.

The concert was mostly funded by local businesses.
?It was a wonderful concert,? Walters said. ?The children had a great time. Towards the end they were all bouncing around.?
Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11

Re: *Dande* or other MSU people

  • They're always doing random stuff like that around kzoo, too, and Brian is on the WRKR morning show all the time.  

  • yah, I heard about that.  Similar to they might be giants making kids' music ... it all makes me feel really, really old.  That and the fact that DH's 20 y/o cousins don't know who Pearl Jam and Guns N Roses are.  =0
    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
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  • imageKoriBrett:

    They're always doing random stuff like that around kzoo, too, and Brian is on the WRKR morning show all the time.  

    yeah, I'm out of the MI loop...a friend sent this to me this morning and I was (sadly, probably) a little excited about it! 

    Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
  • I'm a UM gal, so this totally hits close to home for me too!  I actually think I was visiting a friend at Western and saw them play at Rick's, maybe?  Gah...15 years ago?  Holy old, I am Stick out tongue
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