I have a potty training questions for you.
When did you potty train your oldest? Did she regress after your DS was born?
My oldest DD is 2. She will be 2 yrs 4 months by the time the baby comes in August. I was planning on potty training her in the end of May. But, if she regresses then I will have to retrain her in mid-December.
So far she is pretty good at telling me when she has to go potty and likes doing it. She will even run on her own to the potty. She is not accident free yet but I am hoping to work with her at the end of may.
DS is only 1 and 1 month now so no where near getting trained for another year or so.
Re: HarrietNJMommy
My oldest potty trained at 3y1m - when DS was born. Took 2 days. DD#2 potty trained herself. I did nothing but put her in underwear as she requested.
I'm a VERY lazy potty training mom (I can't stress VERY enough! LOL!). I don't want to keep asking my kids if they need to go, carry around "accident" clothes, etc. I'm out and about every day and can't run to a restroom when my kid screams "I have to go NOW!"......
I waited until my kids were ready. Once they were ready, it was super simple. They can hold it in for 1/2 an hour at least, so if we can't get to a bathroom, they won't have an accident.
GL! I'm probably not the right person to ask about potty training since I didn't actually "train" my kids.......