
Bedtime at 5:30?

Jackson didn't nap today.  At 5:30 he fell asleep in the car.  I brought him in, changed his diaper, and put him in his bed and he went right back to sleep.  Anyone ever have a DC go to bed this early or is he going to wake up grumpy and be up all night.  I am just wondering what I am in for tonight.

Re: Bedtime at 5:30?

  • Yikes.  I haven't had that happen.  I would almost wake him up in a little bit, keep him up for an hour or 2 and then put him down for the night.  I'm like you-I would be worried about how bad tonight could be.
  • I've had that happen a few times and my DS has slept right through until the next morning.  He's probably just making up for the no nap.  I definitely wouldn't wake him.  Good luck!
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  • DS has done that and just slept through the night. He woke up a little earlier in the morning but was still a reasonable hour.

    I would not suggest waking him up. We made that mistake once and it was a nightmare. He was up for hours and did not end up going back to sleep until 11 at night and then was a cranky mess the next day. It threw off his whole schedule.

  • Joey would wake up about 7:30/8 (if he woke at all), stay awake for 30 minutes, we would get him settled again and he would sleep until 7 in the morning.
    Cam, would be up at 8 and up until 3am.

    Depends on the kid!  :(


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